
Viser treff 1–20 av 238 for ?johannes holder?

Mariel Cristina St?en - Centre for Development and the Environment

various tactics render their position, as rights-holders, explicit and accessible to an audience. These tactics include their irreverence as expressed in...

Publications and media contributions - Centre for Development and the Environment

& Volden, Johannes Rudjord (2023). Towards plantification: contesting, negotiating and re-placing meaty routines. Consumption and Society . doi: 10.1332...

Tom Bratrud - Department of Social Anthropology

). Julegaver betyr mye for oss. [Internet]. NRK Ytring. Bratrud, Tom (2015). Gaver - limet som holder oss sammen. [Radio]. NRK P2, Ytring. Bratrud, Tom (2014...

Trine Syvertsen - Department of Media and Communication

en framtid for humaniora? Dagbladet. ISSN 0805-3766. p. 36–36. Syvertsen, Trine (2010). Tv-motstanderne holder ut. Norsk Medietidsskrift . ISSN 0804...

Maren Toft - Department of Sociology and Human Geography

bekjentskaper – ?hva holder du p? med?? – handler om mer enn at vi trenger noe annet enn v?ret ? snakke om. Grovt sagt fungerer ens yrke (eller frav?r av...

MICRO - Menneskelig mikrobevegelse i musikkpersepsjon og interaksjon – Universitetet i Oslo

technique in sports. Gonzalez Sanchez, Victor Evaristo; Dahl, Sofia; Hatfield, Johannes Lunde & God?y, Rolf Inge (2019). Characterizing movement fluency in...

Alexander Refsum Jensenius – Universitetet i Oslo

Alexander Refsum Jensenius Director - RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion (IMV) Professor - Institutt for musikkvite

Research Network for Archaeological Studies of Inland Fishing (SINFISH) - Museum of Cultural History

holders Axel Mj?rum, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo Anja Mansrud, Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger Elling Utvik Wammer...

Three Arne N?ss grant holders join the Arne N?ss Programme - Centre for Development and the Environment

Three Arne N?ss grant holders join the Arne N?ss Programme Three master students have received the Arne N?ss stipend that is designed to promote...

Ulrikke Bryn Wethal - Centre for Development and the Environment

egentlig bare merkevarebygging basert p? ideer som lover mer enn de holder? Blir vi mer b?rekraftige av ? reparere, kj?pe brukt og l?ne, mens vi samtidig...

Tanja Winther - Centre for Development and the Environment

relevance to the politics of energy in their lives. The fourth and less familiar discourse has presented women as rights holders of basic services, including...

Mads Anden?s - Department of Private Law

Rights Mandate Holder serving and a member of Working Group in 2009, and was elected chair and Special Rapporteur in 2013. His second three year...

Jan Ivar R?ssberg - Institute of Clinical Medicine

-2001. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.18.0844 . Halvorsen, Joar ?veraas & R?ssberg, Jan Ivar (2018). Dokumentasjonen for medisinsk behandling holder ikke. Stavanger...

Table - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

. Two-time scholarship holder of the Minister of National Education and Sport (2005, 2006). Author of the books Glory to supermanom. Ideology and pop...

Auberts minneforelesning med Donatella della Porta - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

Porta, professor ved Scuolo Normale Superiore i Firenze, holder ?rets Vilhelm Aubert-minneforelesning. Tid og sted: 12. sep. 2024 14:15 – 16:00 , Trygve...

Erling E. Guldbrandsen - Department of Musicology

mennene dominerer fordi bidragene deres holder h?yere kvalitet enn kvinnenes. Oj. Det er litt av en p?stand. Den krever belegg og avpr?ving fra tilfelle til...

Rune Karlsen - Department of Media and Communication

categories. This article asks what role the elites themselves – as holders of power and regulators of access to influential positions – can play in maintaining...

MICRO - Human Bodily Micromotion in Music Perception and Interaction – Universitetet i Oslo

, Sofia; Hatfield, Johannes Lunde & God?y, Rolf Inge (2019). Characterizing movement fluency in musical performance: Toward a generic measure for technology...

Jan-Erik Ebbestad Hansen - Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas

-525-4117-8. Hansen, Jan- Erik Ebbestad (2004). Det forseglede budskap. Stein Mehren og mystikken. In Karlsen, Ole (Eds.), Som du holder mitt hjerte i...

Tidligere fredagsseminarer - Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie

? Lars Erik Gjerpe holder fredagsseminar om Dillingprosjektet Tid og sted: 26. apr. 2019 14:15–16:00, Blindernveien 11, Seminarrom 1 Vi oppfordrer alle til...