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Home - Department of Criminology and the Sociology of Law

English Courses in criminology and sociology of law Doctoral degree: PhD at the Faculty of Law Find courses Find a course Search Find reading lists, lecture...

Malcolm Langford - Department of Public and International Law

), Project Leader, Digital Lawyer (2018--2020), and Director, Global School on Socio-Economic Rights (2012-2019). He has also been a Visiting Fellow at the...

Heidi Mork Lomell - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

at beskyttelsen av disse rettighetene ikke er god nok. Andre hevder at det har g?tt inflasjon i hva som kalles menneskerettigheter, og at det...

Beate Kristine Sj?fjell - Department of Private Law

0130 Oslo Press photo Download business card Background Beate Sj?fjell is Professor Dr Juris at the Faculty of Law, Department of Private Law (since 2011...

Sveinung Sandberg - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

, selv om noen f? amerikanske studier peker mot at dealere i slike milj?er kommer fra samme bakgrunn som kundene sine, de er gjerne lite synlige, de tar...

Maja Janmyr - Department of Criminology and the Sociology of Law

University of Oslo’s Scholars at Risk committee . In 2023, she was appointed to the OSCE List of Experts for the Human Dimension Mechanism. Between 2017-2021...

Sveinung Sandberg - Department of Criminology and the Sociology of Law

University of Oslo. In 2014 he became full professor in the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law. He has been visiting scholar at Centre for Alcohol...

Helene Oppen Ingebrigtsen Gundhus - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

externalities. This chapter aims to unpack the development of Schengen by seeing evaluation and monitoring mechanisms as a form of power. It looks at evaluation...

Beate Kristine Sj?fjell - Institutt for privatrett

sustainability. We reflect on the risks of continued unsustainability, and the power that lies in a possible renewed Nordic collaboration. There is potential for...

Thomas Ugelvik - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

en studie av fengselsl?slatelse og tilbakef?ring til samfunnet i Norge, og PRISONHEALTH-prosjektet som studerer helsetjenester i fengsel og ideen om at...

Thomas Ugelvik - Department of Criminology and the Sociology of Law

prison with a particular focus on staff-prisoner relationships and the interweaving of power and resistance. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Prisons...

Heidi Mork Lomell - Department of Criminology and the Sociology of Law

Mork (2009). Human Rights at Risk? On the emerging genre of preventive justice and pre-punishment. Lomell, Heidi Mork (2009). Human Rights at Risk? On...

Nertila Kuraj - Department of Public and International Law

Nertila Kuraj Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley Law January-July 2024) Norwegian version of this page Email nertila.kuraj...

International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal (ICCLJ) - discontinued - Faculty of Law

Legal Framework For Social Enterprises In The Netherlands Robert Helder & Aikaterini Argyrou Corporate Climate Change Risk Reporting at Sector Level...

Gentian Zyberi - Norwegian Centre for Human Rights

the Editorial Board of the Utrecht Law Review. Visits and stays abroad In the period September-December 2010, I was a visiting scholar at the Peking...

Anette Bringedal Houge - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

ikke seg selv, de tolkes av eksperter som oversetter dem, fra et profesjonsfelt med sine kunnskapsrammer til et annet – for at de tekniske og medisinske...

Randi Solhjell - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

, Ingvild Magn?s & Solhjell, Randi [Vis alle 10 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). “Being a Risk” or “Being at Risk”: Factors Shaping Negotiation of...

Anette Bringedal Houge - Department of Criminology and the Sociology of Law

institutional responses to such harms at local, national, and international levels. In the ongoing research project From medical facts to legal evidence she zooms...

Randi Solhjell - Department of Criminology and the Sociology of Law

& Solhjell, Randi [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2023). “Being a Risk” or “Being at Risk”: Factors Shaping Negotiation of Concerns of...

May-Len Skilbrei - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

) . Samarbeid Skilbrei leder prosjektet Medical, legal and lay understandings of physical evidence in rape cases (Evidently Rape) som er finansiert at...