Nettsider med emneord ?Non-linear dynamics?

Publisert 6. juli 2023 15:40

The physical reason for the observed acceleration of the Universe is one of the most important mysteries in cosmology, and arguably generally in fundamental physics.

Publisert 6. juli 2023 15:32

The standard model of cosmology has this last decade been increasingly challenged by observational tensions that might result eventually in the preference of some alternative model. But there is a large zoo of models to consider.

Publisert 6. juli 2023 15:27

Recently maturing software for stellar modeling and evolution, such as MESA, have been applied to constraining variations of the gravitational constant and exploring such a variation’s ability to account for the Hubble tension between the late- and early- time universe by biasing the local distance ladder.

Publisert 6. juli 2023 13:59

POLARIS will investigate how the circum-Arctic region has changed over deep geological time. The main aim is to build a digital Earth model back to the Devonian (420 Million years) with a focus on plate tectonics and whole mantle convection (geodynamic processes).

Publisert 6. juli 2023 13:55

In Permafrost4Life, we investigate how permafrost is entangled with ecosystems and the traditional herder lifestyle important for the Mongolian society.

Publisert 6. juli 2023 13:50

The recent summer drought events in Europe and their associated devastating wildfires highlight the importance of understanding and predicting such extreme events and their impact.

Publisert 6. juli 2023 13:35

The MAGPIE project seeks to develop new constraints on uplift patterns in and around Greenland associated with past and present ice melting. For this, we are collecting magnetotelluric (MT) data from Greenland’s interior, which we then use to constrain viscosity variations beneath Greenland.

Publisert 6. juli 2023 13:24

LATICE aims to advance the knowledge base concerning land atmosphere interactions through improved model representation of snow, permafrost, hydrology and large-scale vegetation processes representative of high latitudes, including; 1) New ground observations (gap filling using ML); 2) Land surface model parametrization using data science methods; 3) Seasonal snow cover dynamics using data assimilation and Earth observations (e.g. satellite data, drones).

Publisert 6. juli 2023 13:14

Observational and theoretical evidence suggest that bathymetry exerts an enormous influence on ocean currents. The proposed work seeks to bridge the gap between oceanographic theory, observations and climate models by utilizing idealized, nonlinear numerical models to study how diverse phenomena evolve over bathymetry.

Publisert 6. juli 2023 12:59

The CryoGrid community model is a flexible toolbox for simulating the ground thermal regime and the ice/water balance for permafrost and glaciers. The CryoGrid community model can accommodate a wide variety of application scenarios, which is achieved by fully modular structures through object-oriented programming.

Publisert 26. juni 2023 12:50

The Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED) is a Centre of Excellence dedicated to research of fundamental importance to the understanding of our planet.