
Showing result 1–13 of 13 for ?ulrika styring?

Jan David Heuschele - Department of Biosciences

. Heuschele, Jan David; Salminen, Tiina & Candolin, Ulrika (2012). Habitat change influences mate search behaviour in three-spined sticklebacks. Animal...

Bendik Bygstad - Department of Informatics

/s10796-019-09920-2 . Hylving, Lena Ulrika & Bygstad, Bendik (2019). Nuanced Responses to Enterprise Architecture Management: Loyalty, Voice, and Exit...

Johan P. Olsen - Arena Centre for European Studies

of orders . Oxford: Oxford University press 2007. Demokrati i EU (Democracy in the EU), with Olof Petersson, Ulrika M?rth and Jonas Tallberg


Magdalena Góra Tiziano Zgaga (eds.) Reform proposals for the future European Union (2015- 2022) EU3D Report 14 | ARENA Report 6/23 Reform proposals fo...

eu3d-report-14.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

Magdalena Góra Tiziano Zgaga (eds.) Reform proposals for the future European Union (2015- 2022) EU3D Report 14 | ARENA Report 6/23 Reform proposals fo...

person.csv – IN3020 - Spring 2022 – Universitetet i Oslo

17 $ Steve M 2097145 Howell James M 19 'Abd al-Samad 'Abd al-Basit \N 20 Aaes Annemarie \N 23 't Hart Martijn \N 24 't Hart Maarten \N 25 $hort Too \N...

cv-johanpolsen-januaray-2019.doc - Arena Centre for European Studies

in India: New Dehli, Mumbai and Chennai: Viva Books Private Limited. Demokrati i EU (Democracy in the EU), with Olof Petersson, Ulrika M?rth and Jonas...

johanpolsen-cv-2015.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

, Ulrika M?rth and Jonas Tallberg). Stockholm: SNS F?rlag 2003. Europe in Search of Political Order. An Institutional Perspective on Unity/Diversity, Citizen...

JohanPOlsen_CV.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

(Democracy in the EU), with Olof Petersson, Ulrika M?rth and Jonas Tallberg). Stockholm: SNS F?rlag 2003. Europe in Search of Political Order. An Institutional...

WP4_WorkingpaperNo4.pdf - Centre for Gender Research

Organisasjonslandskapet i eit kj?nnsperspektiv FEMCIT IP Contract No. 028746 WP 4 Working Paper No. 4 Beatrice Halsaa, Line Nyhagen Predelli and Cecil

arena-annual-report-2023.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

, Hjorten, Fredrik Dybfest, and Ulrika M?ller. ‘Why Do States Want a Seat on the UNSC? Expectations between Different Typse of States’ in Ekengren, Ann-Marie...

abstracts-book-completed.pdf - NERA 2018

................................................................ 64 Bergmark, Ulrika ......................................................... 546 Bergstedt, Bosse...

cv-johanpolsen-january-2019.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

, Mumbai and Chennai: Viva Books Private Limited. Demokrati i EU (Democracy in the EU), with Olof Petersson, Ulrika M?rth and Jonas Tallberg). Stockholm: SNS...