
Showing result 1–20 of 100 for ?Ulrike Spring?

Siri Leknes - Department of Psychology

Centre for Functional Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB) in spring 2008, supervised by Professor Irene Tracey. My academic training includes masters’ and...

Susanne Bauer - Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture

, temporalities, unruly bodies, virtual ethnography, wired natures, xenobiotics, yellowcake, zoonoses. Courses taught Since spring 2016: TIK4011 - Science and...

Michael Helge R?nnestad - Department of Psychology

, David E. & Willutzki, Ulrike (2024). Exploring influences of supervision on psychotherapists’ professional development: correlates across career-level...

eu3d-report-14.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

Magdalena Góra Tiziano Zgaga (eds.) Reform proposals for the future European Union (2015- 2022) EU3D Report 14 | ARENA Report 6/23 Reform proposals fo...

Europeanising the Public Sphere - Arena Centre for European Studies

. Interdisziplin?re Europastudien: Eine Einführung is a mainly German-language publication with 22 chapters. This Springer volume is edited by Ulrike Liebert and Janna...

report_2_12.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

RECON_report1811_web Identity and Democracy in the New Europe The Next Generation Finds Its Way Olga Brzezińska, Erika Kurucz, Ulrike Liebert and...

report_4_12.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

. Brunialti, Unioni e combinazioni fa gli Stati, (Torino: UTET, 1891). G. Jellinek, Allgemeine Staatslehre, 3rd ed. (Berlin: Springer, 1914), at 755, still...

report_3_11.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

European Constitutionalism without Private Law - Private Law without Democracy European Constitutionalism without Private Law Private Law without Demo

report_1_12.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

Deliberative Processes and Gender Democracy: Case Studies from Europe Deliberative Processes and Gender Democracy Case Studies from Europe Yvonne Gall

report_3_12.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

The European Rescue of the European Union? The existential crisis of the European political project The European Rescue of the European Union? The exi

report_4_11.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

After Globalisation: New Patterns of Conflict and their Sociological and Legal Re-constructions After Globalisation New Patterns of Conflict and their

recon_newsletter_1_2009.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

Díez Medrano. She was visiting researcher at the EUI, Florence in spring 2008. Her re- search interests cover regional integration, transnational...

recon_newsletter_2_2008.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

profession. ConstEPS findings In the second part, drawing on empirical find- ings from the ConstEPS research project*, Ulrike Liebert (CEuS), in her paper ‘The...

recon_newsletter_1_2011.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies VOLUME 5 NUMBER 1 NOVEMBER 2 0 1 1 RECONSTITUTING DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE RECON partners: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, P

wp_2007_09.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

, and her distinction between power and coercion. She writes that ‘Power springs up whenever people get together and act in concert, but it derives its...

wp_2008_7.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

indignation at the formation of the first Haider-Schüssel government in Austria in spring 2000 (van de Steeg 2004; Risse 2004). For authors like Ulrich Beck...

wp_2007_03.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

Normativit?tskrise der Europ?ischen Union’, in S. Hammer et al (eds) Demokratie und sozialer Rechtsstaat in Europa. Festschrift Theo ?hlinger, Wien: Springer, pp. 41...

wp_2010_24.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

. Schulev-Steindl, Subjektive Rechte. Eine rechtstheoretische und dogmatische Analyse am Beispiel des Verwaltungsrechts, Wien: Springer, 2008. 38 S. Prechal...

recon_wp_1121.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

. Correspondingly, when Turkey ratified the Article 25 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights 17 Smith, “The EU”, p.189. 18 H. Ar?kan. (Spring...

recon_wp_1130.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

refugee crisis (Ghareeb and Dougherty 2004: xviii). However, in spring 1991 the situation in Yugoslavia began to escalate as well. σ- co nv er ge nc e m ea...