
Showing result 1–9 of 9 for ?ulrike string?

Previous guest lectures and seminars - Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages

on String: Artists, Poets, and Patrons at the Great Islamic Courts at the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore. This paper explores oversimplified binaries...

complete-book-of-abstracts.pdf - Institutt for musikkvitenskap

by relating it to notions of presence, absence and appearance. I follow the claim by art historian Ulrike Lehmann (2006) that every ‘art of

aesthetics-of-absence-book-of-abstracts.pdf - Institutt for musikkvitenskap

aesthetic concept of disappearance in music by relating it to notions of presence, absence and appearance. I follow the claim by art historian Ulrike Lehmann...

bull-10-final-1.pdf - Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies

recommended suspending the undergraduate component and focus on the Masters. Nonetheless, we pulled every string to stay afloat until Zelealem came with a PhD...

Kristin Hagen - Det humanistiske fakultet

, Kristin (2003). Recognising word strings as names. Johannessen, Janne Bondi; Hagen, Kristin & Lane, Pia Marit Johanne (2002). The Performance of a Grammar...

aafvb3_april_bind3.pdf - Institutt for musikkvitenskap

…fra Deres hengivne Fartein Valen En brevsamling DEL 3 Ro og kontemplasjon Valev?g 1938 – 1952 Redigert av Arvid O. Vollsnes Kopi av brev til mama 23.

Register N - R - Institutt for musikkvitenskap

Kammerensemble Bd5: 248 Ringve Museum Bd1: 158, 261; Bd2: 54; Bd5: 247f Rishaug, Harry Bd5: 278 Risviken, Ola Sjursen Bd2: 133 Ris?r Festival Strings Bd5: 243, 244...

hurum_ra_del1.pdf - Institutt for musikkvitenskap

Microsoft Word - AH Monografi.docx Rune J. Andersen: ALF HURUM (1882–1972) –Liv og verker UTDRAG, del 1 av 5 s. 1 –281 Biografi Rune J. Andersen ALF H

hurum_ra_kpl_220306.pdf - Institutt for musikkvitenskap

Microsoft Word - AH Monografi.docx Alf Hurum Liv og verker Rune J. Andersen Rune J. Andersen ALF HURUM (1882–1972) Liv og verker Norges f?rste musikal