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Seminar on academic freedom

Welcome to seminar on academic freedom. The human rights defender Istar G?zaydin who won the University of Oslo's Human Rights' award 2017 has finally been permitted to travel outside of Turkey, she will give her lecture "Academic Freedom?". The University of Oslo has been hosting researchers through the network Scholars at Risk (SAR) for ten years and will mark the anniversary with lectures and panel discussion. 

Bilde av Ishtar G?zaydin

Foto: Ola S?ther


  • Welcome by prorector Gro Bj?rnerud Mo
  • Lecture "Academic Freedom?" by Istar G?zaydin, the winner of UiOs' Human Rigths' Award 2017 
  • 10 years of hosting Scholars at Risk at UiO
    • Introduction "The Scholars at Risk Work at UiO: Local and Global Engagement" by professor Anne Hellum, Chair of the UiO Scholars at Risk Committee
    • Introduction "Why academic freedom is important to governments?" by State Secretary Rebekka Borsch, Ministry of Education
    • Panel discussion
      "What role can Norway and Norwegian universities play in promoting academic freedom?"
      Rebekka Borsch, State Secretary, Ministry of Education
      Mubashar Hasan, Researcher, Dept. of Culture and Oriental Languages, UiO
      Jens Jungblut, Associate Professor, Dept. of Political Science, UiO
      Laura Liberatore, UiO-student and Chair SAIH Blindern
      Istar G?zaydin, Professor of Law and Politics

      Moderator: Karen-Lise Knudsen, Chair of SAR-Norway, University of Agder
  • Lunch

    Please register


Published Oct. 18, 2019 11:12 AM - Last modified Jan. 21, 2020 4:11 PM