R-QUEST and OSIRIS final conference

On November 8th, the two research centres R-QUEST and OSIRIS will organise a joint final conference at Domus Bibliotheca in Oslo city centre.

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Colourbox / Ganna Todica

R-QUEST and OSIRIS were funded for eight years by the Research Council of Norway to carry out original empirical and conceptual work concerning key questions in science policy: what characterises good research, and how does it make an impact on society? Together with Norwegian and international partners, the centres have produced many insights that have been reported in publications and presentations for academic and wider audiences.

At this final event, we will give an overview of important findings and their implications, and we will invite for reflections on how the themes of quality and impact can be addressed in future research and policy.

The entire event will be livestreamed, with all presentations and discussions conducted in English.

Program (complete program coming soon)
09:00     Joint opening session
10:00     R-QUEST session: Exploring the dimensions and contexts of research quality
12:00     Lunch break
12:45     OSIRIS session: Societal impact of research from the societal perspective
15:00     Closing session: the relationship between research quality and societal impact
16:00     End of formal program
We invite all participants for a mingling session to continue the discussions followed by light refreshments.

Follow the stream here:

The event is free and open to all. Sign up via the link below.

Go to registration


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Accessibility during your visit

If you need an elevator or any other form of assistance when visiting us, please call this number upon arrival: + 47 90 13 17 55.

About Scene Domus Bibliotheca

Scene Domus Bibliotheca is the University of Oslo's dialogue and communication arena. Here, you can participate in debates, conversations, and listen to exciting lectures. Scene Domus Bibliotheca is situated within Domus Bibliotheca, which is located at The University Square in downtown Oslo. This square features three beautiful historic buildings, with Domus Bibliotheca being the one on the left.

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Published Sep. 2, 2024 1:03 PM - Last modified Sep. 16, 2024 9:43 AM