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Guidelines for appointment of Lecturers at UiO

Approved by the Rector by proxy on 8 November 2005, with amendments adopted by the University Board on 3 December 2019.

Similar procedures apply when hiring researchers SKO 1108, but adapted to the applicable framework for required duties: see Rules for the use of research positions SKO 1108, 1109, 1110 and 1183.

§ 1 Use of the position code

The main rule will be combined positions at the University, given the basic principle of research-based teaching. Employment as Lecturer is nevertheless an option when so indicates by the nature of the tasks. 

These guidelines are intended for full-time Lecturer positions with regular teaching assignments and not Lecturer positions used for supervised professional training. Hence the above limitations is of no relevance for the latter. 

Examples of ordinary use of the Lecturer position: teaching at first cycle level in Arabic, aimed primarily at enhancing students’ practical skills in written (standard) and verbal Arabic; teaching at first cycle level in English; Spanish and Italian, respectively; substitute position involving teaching in social anthropology at all levels; temporary position with assignments aimed at the tasks of the School Laboratory for sciences.

§ 2 Formal qualification requirements

Criteria for employment as Lecturer in accordance with the Regulations on employment and promotion for teaching and research position, § 1-6 are: 

  • Master's degree or equivalent level at university, university college or equivalent
  • Relevant research qualifications beyond master's degree level and/or relevant work experience; and
  • Documented relevant practical educational expertise acquired to education or teaching and supervision. 

§ 3 Application

Application, CV, certificates and a list of publications are submitted. Applicants may be asked to submit academic works.

S 4 Assessment of applicants

In order to assess the applicants, the Head of Department must normally establish a recommendation committee which prepares the case for the recommendation authority and makes a recommendation. This committee is normally made up of: 

  1. Head of Department or Deputy Head of Department
  2. one academic staff member from the academic group
  3. one student representative

Essentially, applicants are assessed on the basis of their application, CV and list of publications, as well as the certificates and diplomas that they enclose. The recommendation committee may ask for the academic works of the most qualified applicants to be sent where necessary in order to distinguish between the best applicants. An expert committee may be set up to also assess the academic work, if the Head of Department deems this necessary in order to distinguish between applicants.

Assessment of the applicant’s educational expertise is rooted in the four criterion areas derived from the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL):

  • Focus on student learning
  • Clear development over time
  • A researching approach
  • A collegial attidutde and practice

Staff who are appointed may ask to be assessed for Senior Lecturer skills after taking up their appointment. In that case, a committe may be appointet to assess this if necessary, in accordance with Regulations for employment and promotion for teaching and research positions ( lecturer may apply for personal promotion to Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor upon obtaining a doctorate. Personal promotion does not involve a change in duties. 

§ 5 Interview

The most qualified applicant are invited for interview. The recommendation committee must assess the applicant's personal aptitude and motivation for the position during the interview. 

The committee must normally conduct reference interviews as well in order to check the informatjion that has been provided about previous employment and the impression that has been formed of the applicant. 

§ 6 Trial lecture

If the trial lecture shall have a common subject, the subject and target group must be stipulated by the chair of the recommendation committee on the basis of proposals from the academic environment, and the subject must be made known at least two weeks in advance. Applicants are able to listen to one another. 

§ 7 Recommendations

The recommendation committee writes a recommendation based on its asessment of the applicants, the interviews, the reference interviews and trial lectures. The recommendation authority must then make a desicion on the recommendations. Three applicants should normally be recommended. 

The recommendation is exempt from public disclosure in accordance with Section 25 of the Freedom of Information Act (

§ 8 Appointment

The matter must then be dealt with  the appointing authority. 

Published Mar. 17, 2023 1:42 PM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2024 10:42 AM