Norwegian version of this page

Calculation of self-certification period for part-time employees

Part-time employees are, just like full-time employees, entitled to 24 working days with self-certified sick leave during 12 calendar months. However, self-certification can only be used for entire working days. Holidays, weekends and public holidays that fall between two self-certified sick days are included.

Part-time employees who work reduced working hours every day

  • One working day with self-certified sick leave is counted as one self-certified day.

Part-time employees who work full working days, but less than five days a week

  • If the part-time employee is ill with self-certification before AND after a non-working day, the non-working day counts in the self-certification period. For example, if the employee usually works on Mondays and Wednesdays and submits a self-certified sick leave form for these days, Tuesday is also counted. The employee has then spent three self-certification days.
  • The same applies if the part-time employee is ill with self-certification before AND after a public holiday or weekend.


The use of self-certification is authorised in the National Insurance Act (folketrygdloven) § 8-24 ( (Norwegian). The Act does not take into account working days, but only counts calendar days, see the National Insurance Act § 8-24 fourth paragraph ( (Norwegian).

Published May 18, 2021 1:21 PM - Last modified June 3, 2021 7:59 PM