Norwegian version of this page

Reception of new employees and guests from abroad at NHM

Preparing the reception of a researcher from abroad can be a long process that involves several people in administration. Therefore, start in good time before the planned arrival. Especially if the researcher comes from a country outside Schengen, and if the researcher is going to apply for UiO researcher housing, a minimum of 3 months can be necessary to ensure everything is in-place for a smooth arrival and integration into the work place. 

Reception of new employees and guests from abroad is done in collaboration with UiO's International Staff Mobility Office (ISMO). ISMO supports incoming international staff, PhD candidates, guest researchers and their families with relocation to UiO.

Guest researchers

Researchers at NHM can invite guest researchers with whom they have an academic collaboration to the museum for a limited period. The researcher who invites the guest researcher holds a special responsibility for the visiting researcher, both socially and academically, and will serve as the guest researcher's contact point at NHM during the stay. Visits over one month must be approved by the Research Director.

Accommodation for international researchers

UiO has a limited number of apartments which can be used by international researchers and staff for contract periods and guest stays of minimum 2 months and maximum 12 months. This entails student housing for young international researchers (under the age of 40). 

New employees from abroad

New employees from abroad may be unfamiliar with the Norwegian work model, local social norms and practical things that needs to be taken care of. Dealing with the Norwegian system and bureaucracy may be challenging, especially upon arrival. The need for good information and good facilitation, both before and after the researcher arrives, and after they have started in the new position, will be greater than for Norwegian employees. NHM's welcome page for new employees in English is tailored for new employees from abroad.

Norwegian training for employees from abroad

Learning the Norwegian language is key to integrating into Norwegian life and is helpful for fully integrating into the work environment. To support this, NHM covers the expenses for Norwegian classes offered by UiO for all permanent academic staff, and new employees in permanent academic positions will be followed-up in accordance with relevant guidelines for language training. This includes language training as a mandatory part of the employment contract, where an employee's progress will be assessed after their first year of employment. As requested/necessary, an individual plan for language training shall be designed in consultation with their manager. 

NHM in addition encourages temporary staff to learn Norwegian. Temporary staff will receive information about the options for learning Norwegian when entering into an employment contract. 

Exchange students on traineeships

The admission and reception of exchange students at MSc and BSc level is handled by separate routines

Published May 3, 2023 4:36 PM - Last modified Sep. 13, 2024 1:40 PM