Tasks and Responsibilities - Reception of New Employees

Oppgaver og ansvar i forbindelse med mottak av nye ansatte ved Det humanistiske fakultet. Under er det listet opp en rekke aktiviteter i forbindelse med med mottak av nyansatte. Videre er det angitt n?r de ulike aktivitetene b?r utf?res og hvem som er ansvarlig.


Before arrival

When Who Task Comment
Immediately after approval Institute Salary and start agreement Institute sends information about agreed-upon salary and start date to HR.
At least 3 months before commencement HR Job offer HR sends a job offer along with a digital starter pack. For international hires, information about ISMO and UDI forms is also sent. The employee contacts ISMO if needed.
As needed ISMO Assistance for work permit, etc. ISMO informs and guides the employee in applying for a work permit/EU registration, childcare/school, tax card, etc.
When signed employment contracts are returned Nearest Leader/Admin. Leader Tax clarification The institute contacts ISMO, which connects with Deloitte for tax clarification. Costs related to these matters must be covered by the institute.
When signed employment contracts are returned Institute Researcher housing The institute submits a housing application to ISMO Researcher Housing.
About 3 weeks before start Nearest Leader Welcome email with digital starter pack For international employees, see ISMO link: /english/about/vacancies/ismo
1-2 weeks before start Institute Inform colleagues Inform other employees about the newcomer.
As soon as clarified Nearest Leader Appointment of contacts and mentor Mentor/adept reported to greta.holm@hf.uio.no
About 1 week before start Nearest Leader/Admin. Leader Access to administrative systems Ensure the new employee has access to all necessary administrative systems.
Latest day before start Institute Workspace preparation Office space, PC, phone, internet connection, door sign, physical starter pack, mailbox, other necessary equipment, etc.
1-2 weeks before start Nearest Leader Clarify responsibilities in the introduction phase Designate a mentor responsible for information, social integration, and practical introduction. Clarify who will handle training.


First day

When Responsible Task Comment
Start day Nearest Leader Introduction meeting See template for introduction meeting.
Start day Nearest Leader, Mentor Reception, welcome Guest card, keys, UiO ID card – info, photo for the website
Start day Nearest Leader, Mentor Username and password Local IT can create a username the same day if the contract is registered with the Payroll Section.
Start day Nearest Leader Access to systems and mailing lists Access to systems relevant to the position. Self-service portal (to be used by everyone). Enrollment in various mailing lists.
Start day Nearest Leader/Admin. Leader Confirm start Only for internationals: Send confirmation of start to HR along with confirmation of work and residence permit.


The first weeks:

When Responsible Task Comment
During the first weeks Nearest Leader Training needs/training plan Identify training needs early for a quick job mastery.
During the first weeks Nearest Leader/Mentor Create personal profile Create and fill out the person's presentation with name, contact information, tasks, keywords, room number/description of office location.
During the first weeks Nearest Leader/Mentor Introduction to work environment, safety procedures, ombudsman system HMS at UiO
During the first weeks Mentor Daily social follow-up The mentor should personally contact the new employee every day for the first couple of weeks, have lunch together, etc.
During the first weeks Nearest Leader or other responsible Closer introduction to tasks Ensure the new employee understands the distribution of tasks and responsibilities, expectations, requirements, and opportunities to influence the work.
During the first weeks Nearest Leader Inform about employer's guidance, training, and feedback during the probationary period  
During the first weeks Nearest Leader Inform about rights and duties Information about labor law, salary payment, absence - self-reporting/sick leave procedures, and State Pension Fund.


First 6 months:

When Responsible Task Comment
After about 2 months and after 4 months Nearest Leader Thorough follow-up discussion Schedule the time early in the employment relationship, and allocate enough time for the conversation. Ensure good documentation of held discussions, what was agreed to follow up, and assessments made along the way.
After about 2, 3, and 5 months Nearest Leader Possible actions/formal meetings If it is considered to use the right to termination after the trial period provision, contact HR for assistance as early as possible.


6-12 months:

When Responsible Task Comment
Between 6-12 months Nearest Leader Follow-up discussion At least one follow-up discussion is held during the period.
Between 6-12 months Nearest Leader Follow-up plan to meet language requirements Create a personal follow-up plan to meet language requirements.
Between 6-12 months Nearest Leader Salary assessment Assess the salary within a year after a dialogue with the employee. See information on salary assessment


Years 2 and 3:

When Responsible Task Comment
Year 2 and Year 3 Nearest Leader Follow-up discussion Follow-up plan to meet language requirements
Year 2 Nearest Leader University pedagogy Ensure that the employee enrolls in courses if they do not have university pedagogy.
Every year Nearest Leader Salary discussion Offer the employee an annual salary discussion.
Year 2 Nearest Leader Promotion Inform about the possibilities for promotion.


Published Dec. 6, 2023 12:44 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2023 12:44 PM