Norwegian version of this page

Research support

 - for researchers, research managers and research administrators.


  • EU funding
  • National and international funding sources
  • Local routines


  • Open Access
  • Cristin
  • Affiliation
  • Funding publishing and communication.

Research projects at UiO

A step-by-step guide for project managers with externally funded projects

Research ethics

Resources, routines and tools at UiO that ensure ethical and responsible research.

Open science

Data, open access, evaluations, policies and guidelines

International research cooperation

Funding, programmes, support and research security

Research data management

Introduction research data management, funder policies, planning, training and tools.

Research computing services

Calculations, simulations and HPC, research statistics, storing and securing research data, qualitative analysis.


All research collaboration in which UiO is involved shall be based on contracts.

Research training

Research training is an important part of the University of Oslo's activities, and we aim to provide PhD programmes of superior quality.


What do you do when you come up with an idea or technology that has commercial potential?