2023 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - information for supervisors

Marie Sk?odowska–Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships offer supervisors the possiblity to bring younger, international researchers to UiO for up to two years, and to build strategic, international networks.

Marie S.Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships offers grants up to two years, to promote mobility and career development to  researchers who want to work with an independent research project of their choice in another country. It is also an excellent opportunity for researchers at UiO who want to bring international, younger researchers to UiO to work on a projects of their mutual design. The funding covers most of the salary for the mobile researcher as well as funding to administer and run the project.

The MSCA-PF-2023 call opens on 12th April and to have a deadline on 13th September, 2023.

UiO is giving a short information meeting for potential supervisors of MSCA Postdoctoral candidates on March 14th, 2023. The seminar will give you information about

  • the Postdoctoral Fellowship instruments
  • what kind of projects are relevant
  • what does it take to a supervisor
  • how can this funding scheme be used for strategic network building

The seminar is held in cooperation with Aya van den Kroonenberg from Yellow Research, who has long experience with MSCA and proposal consultation.

The seminar is relevant for UiO researchers who want to find out more about Marie S. Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships and supervising a fellow, and for research administrators working with MSCA support. There will be time to ask questions to the presenter.

Mark that the seminar is primarily meant for potential supervisors of incoming fellows, however everyone is welcome to attend. Researchers at UiO who plan to apply for an Postdoctoral Fellowship themselves as a fellow, should contact the host institution abroad for application support.

Please consult your local research advisers regarding further application support at UiO for incoming candidates.

Please sign up here to register

Published Jan. 11, 2023 1:23 PM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2023 1:23 PM