ERC eligibility window

When applying for ERC Starter or Consolidator grants, there are specific eligibility criteria based on the date of award of the applicant's PhD.  

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For Starting grant, the first PhD (or equivalent doctoral degree) must have been awarded between 2-7 years before 1st January of the call year, while for Consolidator the PhD must have been awarded 8-12 years before. 

The date of the first PhD considered for the calculation of the eligibility period shall be the date of the actual award according to the national rules of the country where the degree was awarded. For PhD degrees acquired at UiO, we recommend that applicants use the date of defence of the viva for calculating eligibility.

The eligibility periods can be extended beyond 7 and 12 years for the Starting and Consolidator Grants respectively, for maternity leave, paternity leave, long-term illness, national service and clinical training, when properly documented. Please see ERC work programme for the newest call for details.

The consultancy firm Enspire has developed a useful calculator for computing ERC eligibility window, where all these factors are considered.

Enspire's ERC eligibility calculator

Published Jan. 11, 2021 1:32 PM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2021 2:14 PM