Internal strategic funding 2017-2018

The Department of Psychology announce an internal call for funding aimed at strategic research activities.


Individual researchers and research groups can apply for funds in the size of NOK 150.000 up to NOK 500.000 per year. The funds can be used for shorter periods or until the end of 2018. A time plan for the use of funds has to be included in the application.

You can apply for support to increase the probability of succeeding with external applications, through; e.g. pilot work, establishment or development of research groups and funds to finalize publications from project that currently has no funding.

The main goal of the call is to contribute to the research strategy at PSI. The applicants need to argue for why their project supports the department ambition to perform high impact research through; your career as individual researchers, the goal to increase number of external funded projects, the development of several strong research groups at PSI and cross sectional research at PSI. Quality will be judged in terms of the application, publications, and judgements of applications reviewed by external committees or other forms of project peer review.

The applications should contain a description of the project (1-2) pages and a 2 page CV for the PI. Use the format for the CV linked here. The application should be uploaded in this net form. In addition the applicant needs to  show how the project complies with the department research strategy.

Deadline: February 7th midnight.

Results 2017-2018

Name Section Sought Granted Project/Group
Mona Bekkhus HUP 190 150 Maternal stress in pregnancy
Julien Mayor HUP 165 165 App-based normed language test
Nils Inge Landr? CCogN 693 140 Transdiagnostic rumination
Rolf Reber Maks 750 750 Affective Sciences Group
Thomas Espeseth CCogN 640 400 Mental effort and the pupillary system
Egil Nygaard HUP 479 110 Children born to mothers with opioid addiction
René Huster CCogN 1000 750 Center for Cognitive Electrophysiology
Lotte Thomsen MAKS 250 120 Innate social representations and instincts
Siri Leknes MAKS 500 400 Social situations confer addiction risk or resilience
Evalill Karevold HUP 462 120 Child self-regulation in times of transition


Published Jan. 23, 2017 2:57 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 5:08 PM