Mobility grant PSI 2018

The Department of Psychology announced a call for NOK 250.000 in mobility grant for 2018. The money could be spent on organizing seminars or support for extended stays outside the Department.

This might help researchers who can not use Mobility Programs at the Norwegian Research Council, but at the same time want to stay out for a shorter period (1-2 months). It was also possible to apply for funding of guest researchers visiting the Department. Supporting larger events and seminars was also possible, as well as plans for developing teaching.

Deadline for applications was June 13. Funding must be used in 2018. Results for call:




Siri Leknes

Symposium: Pain&Pleasure, guest speakers:  Professor Irene Tracey, University of Oxford, H?kan Olausson University of Link?ping,

Morten Kringelbach, University of Oxford and ?rhus, and Johan Wessberg, University of Gothenburg.

40 000

Tilmann von Soest with Karevold, 

R?ysamb, Vassend, Ystr?m, Bekkhus

Guest researchers: seminar and lectures (PSYC4500)  with Prof. Oliver John, University of California Berkeley and Professor Filip De Fruyt, Gent Universiteit.

Purpose: collaboration for future projects and grant applications, teaching. Applies for travel and hotel costs + honoraria Oliver John.

20 000

Agnes Anden?s

Stay abroad: travel and stay 1 month in Copenhagen in order to further develop research project. Visit collaborators at DPU and RUC

20 000

Ivan Maximov/Lars Tjelta Westlye

Guest researcher; Aim: to invite a leading expert in the field of diffusion MRI for educational purpose (seminars) and cooperation (planning of the future work)

25 000

Jaroslav Rokicki

Stay abroad: Visit at National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP), Tokyo, Japan Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Japan

(Planned duration 1 month)

30 000

Maja Dyhre Foldal

Stay abroad; Knight Lab, UC Berkeley, October – December 2018: a great opportunity to gain input for advanced analysis of electrophysiological data,

as well as networking opportunities, part of FRONT Lab, applies for travel and housing

20 000

Nils Inge Landr?

Depression Research Initiative (DRIVE) seminar

40 000

Helene Nissen Lie

Dagsseminar for forskere i klinisk fagavdeling og ‘affective science’- gruppen, med fokus p? emosjonsforskning

20 000

Krister Fjermestad

Oppstartskonferanse for den randomsiert kontrollerte studien ?Preventing mental health problems in siblings of children with neurodevelopmental disorders (SIBS)?

40 000


Published Aug. 6, 2018 11:27 AM - Last modified Sep. 27, 2018 9:22 AM