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Mobility grant PSI 2022

The Department of Psychology announces 500 000 NOK in mobility support.

Last funding awarded for 2022

Name Granted Sub-project no.
Aleksander B. Gundersen 55 000 102610146
Anne-Kari Torgalsb?en 78 576 102603078
Eivind Ystr?m 50 000 102603086

Gulnaz Anjum

40 000 102603241
Guro L?seth 150 000 102610017
Ingvild Finsrud 50 000 102610011
Jan Stubberud 58 500 102603072
Jonas Kunst & Milan Obaidi 30 000 102603057
Kristine Walhovd 95 000 102603082
Lilian Mayerhofer 40 000 102610172
Ludvig Daae Bj?rndal 25 000 102610167
Michal Kozák 31 000 102609140
Morten Eikeland 23 000 102610193
Nikolai Czajkowski 50 000 102603021
Silje Endresen Reme 80 000 102603063
Valerie Karl 16 000 102610171
Xiaoyu Lan 50 000 102609158

The funds may be spent on national and international research visits, seminars, or similar actions and events. If you apply for research stay, indicate in the application whether you want to uphold the application if fewer months are granted than you apply for.

Researchers who are not eligible for existing mobility programs at the Research Council of Norway or other funding agencies may apply for extended research stays (1-6 months).

Deadline for applications is August 20 but ongoing assessments will be made.

Funding must be used in 2022.

Please send application and budget with nettskjema.

See UiO's webpage on stays abroad


Former announcement for 2022

The evaluation is complete for the allocation of mobility support for 2022 with NOK 300,000 announced.

PSI received 26 applications with a total of NOK 1,700,000 sought. 

Applications for longer research stays abroad were given priority.

Funding must be used in 2022.

See UiO's webpage on stays abroad

Name Granted Sub-project no.
Agnes Anden?s 40 000 102603013
Alice Munk 25 000 102610139
Esten Leonardsen 30 000 102610141
Omid V. Ebrahimi 100 000 102610010
Reidar Schei Jessen 75 000 102609163
Tone Hermansen 30 000 102609006

The Board increased the total sum to NOK 550 000 in December and these are also awarded funding

Name Granted Sub-project no.
Anna Ivanova 30 000 102610147
Bruno Laeng 80 000 102603045
Cato Alexander Bj?rkli 50 000 102603017
Dinka Smajlagic 50 000 102609010
Timothy John Brennen 40 000 102603020



The Department of Psychology announces 300 000 NOK in mobility support.

The funds may be spent on national and international research visits, seminars, or similar actions and events. Researchers who are not eligible for existing mobility programs at the Research Council of Norway or other funding agencies may apply for extended research stays (1-6 months). Indicate in the application whether you want to uphold the application if fewer months are granted than you apply for.

Deadline for applications is November 1.

Funding must be used in 2022.

Please send application and budget with nettskjema.

Published Feb. 5, 2021 3:42 PM - Last modified Sep. 22, 2022 10:44 AM