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Mobility grant PSI 2023

The evaluation is complete for the allocation of mobility support with deadline for applications November 20, 2022. 

PSI received 21 applications with a total of NOK 1 800 000 sought. The available sum for 2023 is NOK 850 000.

Applications for longer research stays abroad were given priority.

See UiO's webpage on stays abroad

Funding must be used in 2023. A brief report on the use of the funds be submitted at the end of 2023, a reminder will be sent out in advance.

Name Granted Sub-project no.
Ann-Cathrin Coenen 85 000 102610009
Dinka Smajlagic 50 000 102609010
Erica Zahl 40 000


Krister Fjermestad 70 000 102603026
Liva Jenny Martinussen 38 000 102610132
Marie Eikemo 70 000 102609148
Marius Hafstad 58 000 102610012
Mathilde H. Prenevost 35 000 102610135
Silje Endresen Reme 80 000 102603063
Siri Hausland Folstad 70 000 102610129
Solveig M. Kirchhofer 200 000 102610016
Tone Kristine Hermansen 25 000 102609006
?ystein S?rensen 31 000 102603075


The funds may be spent on national and international research visits, seminars, or similar actions and events.

Researchers who are not eligible for existing mobility programs at the Research Council of Norway or other funding agencies may apply for extended research stays (1-6 months). For stays abroad RCN's monthly rates must be used. PSI will only cover additional costs related to the stay abroad (i.e. travel costs, rent, visa etc.) Food expenses will not be covered. See also UiO's webpage on stays abroad.

Indicate in the application whether you want to uphold the application if fewer months are granted than you apply for. Applicants who have not received support previously will be given priority.

Please send application and budget with nettskjema.

Deadline for applications is November 20.

Funding must be used in 2023.

Results will be communicated to applicants 2-3 weeks after the deadline.

Published Nov. 3, 2022 12:04 PM - Last modified Dec. 16, 2022 12:26 PM