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Persistent identifiers (PID)

A persistent identifier is a permanent reference to a document, a file, a webpage or another object.

Using various persistent identifiers for your results will make it easier to collect metadata information and link the results to the correct person and institution in Cristin or other systems that collect metadata for research results. The information can then be reused for CVs, citations and references. 

UiO recommends that everyone use persistent identifiers for the following

  • applications to funders
  • submission of manuscripts to publishers and journals
  • archiving of research data
  •  submission of patents 
  • other innovation activities
  • various roles/positions
  • presentations (dissemination)
  • REK approvals
  • other research activities

Types of persistent identifiers

ORCID – for individual researchers

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a unique persistent identifier that is free for researchers. It can be used in research, scholarship and innovation activities.

By using ORCID, you ensure that you are uniquely identified and linked to your contributions across institutions and fields –  over time. 

More information about ORCID (

ROR – for organisations

The Research Organization Registry (ROR) is a global registry of open persistent identifiers for research organizations.

ROR ensures that organisations are correctly connected to research outputs and researchers.

Information about UiO's ROR (


Main page for open science

Published July 22, 2024 9:25 AM - Last modified July 22, 2024 10:47 AM