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Open science: Strategies, policies and requirements

Strategy and guidelines for open research at UiO

Strategy for open access

UiO strategy for open access is based on the research community's demands for quality assurance, academic freedom, and research integrity. The main goals are to ensure these values in the ongoing development of open publishing and open access to research results.

 UiO's strategy for open access

Policy and guidelines for research data management

The University of Oslo follows the "open by default" principle regarding access to research data. UiO aims to make research data as open as possible, but as closed as necessary.

UiO's policy and guidelines for research data management

National goals and guidelines

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research has developed guidelines and strategies for access to research results funded by public money.

Open access to scientific articles

The government aims for all Norwegian scientific articles funded by public money to be openly accessible by 2024, and they have established guidelines and measures for open access to scientific articles.

National goals and guidelines for open access to research articles (

Management of research data

The Ministry of Education and Research's national strategy for access to and sharing of research data states that the data behind research results should be available to as many as possible: for other researchers, but also for the administration and the business sector.

  • Research data should be as open as possible and as closed as necessary. 
  • Research data should be managed and facilitated so that the values in the data can be utilised optimally. 
  • Decisions about archiving and facilitating research data must be made within the research communities.

National strategy for access to and sharing of research data (


Requirements from The Research Council of Norway

Open access to publications

The Research Council of Norway requires full and immediate open access to all scientific publications from projects they fund. This means that articles must be made available without delay (embargo) and with an open license that allows reuse of the publication. 

This requirement applies to projects that received funding from calls in 2021 or later. 

Open access to publications (

Sharing of research data

The Research Council's policy for making research data available aims to make research data accessible to relevant users on equal terms and at the lowest possible cost. The guidelines in the policy apply to all data in projects funded by the research council – with a few exceptions. 

Sharing research data (

Requirements from Horizon Europe

Projects that receive funding from the EU's research and innovation programme must follow guidelines for open publishing and research data management. Open access to research articles (open access) is a requirement, and both publishing in openly accessible journals (gold) and self-archiving (green) are accepted.

Open science (

Additionally, the European Research Council requires projects to develop a data management plan, and research data must follow the FAIR principles and be "As open as possible, as closed as necessary".

ERC open science (


Open sience main page

Published July 22, 2024 10:15 AM - Last modified Aug. 9, 2024 10:58 AM