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Research data

UiO follows the "open by default" principle regarding access to research data.

Handling of research data in accordance with open standards includes, among other things, good routines for documentation, organisation, archiving and reuse of data. The following principles, drawn from UiO's policy for research data management, are particularly relevant. 

1. Make research data openly available for further use

  • Research data should be made openly available, under equal conditions, unless there are legal, ethical, or security reasons not to do so.

More about open data sharing and possible limitations

2. Equip research data with a data management plan

  • The data management plan is a document that describes how the data will be managed both during the research project and after it is completed.
  • The data management plan should describe how the data will be made available in accordance with international standards.

More about data management plans

3. Provide metadata and documentation

  • Metadata and documentation should enable others to search for and reuse the data.
  • Metadata should follow international standards where they exist.

More about metadata and documentation

4. Archive research data in a responsible manner

  • Archiving research data facilitates reuse and contributes to making research more transparent and reproducible.
  • Data should be archived, either centrally at their own institution or in national/international archives.

More about data archiving

5. Research data should be equipped with licenses for access, reuse and redistribution

  • Licenses should be internationally recognised.
  • Licenses should place as few restrictions as possible on the access, reuse and redistribution of data.

More about reuse and licenses

For more information about management of research data, go to UiO's data management resource page.


Open science main page

Published July 22, 2024 8:08 AM - Last modified Aug. 27, 2024 10:25 AM