Norwegian version of this page

Ally: accessible content in Canvas

UiO wants to be a place of study for all and to offer education of the highest quality. Therefore it is important that all users have accessible digital content. With Ally you get the support you need to understand common accessibility problems and make substantial improvements to your Canvas content.

What does Ally do?

  • Built-in tool that gives you feedback on the accessibility of your Canvas content, step-by-step guides in Ally on how to improve accessibility, and a good overview of accessibility issues.
  • Offers students alternative formats to their content in Canvas.
  • Can be used with documents, modules, pages, announcements and discussions in Canvas.
  • Gives Canvas administrators department/faculty reports with statistics and an overview of the accessibility issues for a given unit.

Upcoming courses and events

UiO is holding courses and workshops for employees to learn about Ally, during autumn semester 2023. Events and more information will be added here continuously. Most events will be held in Norwegian.
For employees at HF:

Getting started

Ally is integrated in Canvas rooms: 

Login to Canvas

Ally was activated on June 16 in all Canvas rooms active from autumn semester 2023.


See the Ally course for employees. There are also employee guides ( from Ally's provider, Anthology.

Recordings of Ally courses

How Ally looks and functions for employees, students and Canvas administrators. The recordings are from a course held by Ally's provider (Anthology) on March 1, 2023. The webpage itself is in Norwegian, but the recordings of the courses are in English.

Who do I contact?

Questions about Ally can be directed to your Canvas contact points at your faculty.