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It is time to update your personal page

An updated personal page is an easy way to make sure important contacts find you.

A man looking at his computer. Illustration

Illustration: Colourbox.

Personal pages are among the most popular and frequently searched for content on the UiO website.

You are responsible for posting and updating information about your areas of expertise, professional interests, education, projects, cooperation and more on your personal page.

Soon you will get an email with tips on what a good and clear personal page might look like. There will also be a deadline for updating your page.

What to look out for?

  • Picture: It is recommended to have a portrait image on the personal page. It must be sharp and have a neutral background.

  • Text: The text on the personal page should be written in a clear language, and you shouldn't have too much text. Feel free to break up the text with bulleted lists.
  • Changes: Have there been any changes to your job or in your areas of expertise that you should highlight?
  • Norwegian and English: You must update the personal page in both Norwegian and English. You don't have to write as extensively in both language versions.

After the deadline has expired, the online editorial team at the faculty will review and quality assure the personal pages. We will contact you if your personal page still needs an update or if there are other adjustments that need to be made.

If you have any questions about how to update your personal page, please contact your online editorial team at, and we will assist you.

You can take a look at this webpage to see how to edit your personal page.

By Olaf Christensen
Published May 30, 2024 10:29 AM - Last modified May 30, 2024 2:49 PM