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It’s time for IMB’s Tidy-up Week!

This year, our Tidy-up Week at the Institute is scheduled from Monday 14th to Friday 18th October.

Please find more practical information below.

Decorative: Trash can with colourful content

Illustration: Coulorbox

Each section/unit should determine which time to choose for cleaning and tidying up during the designated week. We hope this offers a good opportunity to make use of the extra resources put in place during the allotted week and we ask that all employees set aside time for tidying and clearing.

It is important that we all pull together to make a noticeable difference since we all have a responsibility to contribute to a tidy and pleasant working environment.

Areas to focus on


We urge all departments/sections with laboratories to focus particularly on chemicals. Go systematically through fridges/freezers, chemical and fume cupboards in order to carry out a thorough clean-up. Chemicals must be handled in accordance with IMB’s routines for the disposal of hazardous waste. Contact the HSE coordinator for assistance with sorting large volumes of chemicals for disposal. 

Wash and clear laboratory worktops. Remove or throw away any unnecessary clutter in the lab. Is there clutter in the fume cupboard? Draw up a tidy-up plan and create a safer workplace for yourself and your colleagues.

All hazardous chemicals must be marked with a hazard label in accordance with CLP regulations. Up-to-date safety data sheets must be made available to all employees working with chemicals.

During Tidy-up Week, checks must also be carried out on the list of chemicals in the chemical substances register. We therefore ask all research group leaders to make sure that their stock of chemicals is monitored and checked against the chemical substances register in ECO-online, so that the register is up-to-date and maintained. Your local chemicals contact can assist with this.

Clearing communal areas and emergency exit routes

There are still items standing in communal corridors which should either be disposed of or removed from emergency exit routes. We ask that everyone focuses especially on going through and removing items in communal areas/emergency exit routes, as these present a potential risk of blockage in case of fire and other emergencies.

Digital clean-up

We urge all units and employees to use this opportunity to carry out a digital clean-up. Each section knows what it needs to do in this respect, but one example is to delete digital trash in communal data areas. Employees can also clean up their M-areas and email inboxes.

Practical information


Open containers for throwing out ordinary paper will be placed in all departments.

Cardboard, glass/porcelain, styrofoam and residual waste

  • Cardboard should be placed in the compactor located outside goods reception and the Estate Department’s premises in the basement.
  • Containers for glass and porcelain are located in the area for the disposal of hazardous waste.
  • Other waste should be disposed of in the appropriate containers outside goods reception/the Estate Department’s premises in the basement.

The containers are marked to indicate what sort of waste can be disposed of in them. The Estate Department will ensure that the containers are emptied prior to Tidy-up Week. If there is a need for assistance with the disposal of large volumes of waste (e.g. waste bins for paper shredding), please contact the HSE coordinator.

Hazardous waste

Please read the HSE information on Waste disposal on how to handle hazardous/risk waste and radioactive waste.

EE waste

PCs with a hard drive for disposal or re-use should be handed in to the IT Department (call 22 85 12 00).

Other IT equipment and other EE waste should be placed in the cage bins for electronic waste, which are marked “Electronic Waste” and are located in the basement outside the cleaners’ premises.

Office furniture

During tidy-up week, there is temporary space in the atrium for office furniture that can be reused or discarded.

The Estate Department has a warehouse for recycled furniture at Blindern that receives furniture from all over UiO.

Contact them (select Relocation in the drop-down menu) if you need transport of the furniture.

Other questions?

If you have any questions regarding the Tidy-up Week, please contact the HSE coordinator.

Published Sep. 17, 2024 2:34 PM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2024 2:37 PM