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Innovation in health-related life sciences

Research Dean Jan Bj?lie provides details about innovation in respect of health-related life sciences at MED and points out the opportunities being offered in order to support innovation development.

Jan Bj?lie
Research Dean Jan Bj?lie. Photo: Christian Wangberg, UiO

Dear Colleagues and students,

Medicine and health are a central part of the UiO's Life Science initiative. The Faculty has many strong academic groups in this field.

The Life Science Building is the crowning achievement of the work carried out in respect of the UiO’s Life Science initiative. This building, which is now being erected, will house academic facilities from several faculties at the UiO and the Oslo University Hospital. The building will serve as a new meeting place for both interdisciplinarity and new academic developments in the interface between different disciplines and cultures, which are important for helping to solve major social challenges relating to health and sustainability and ensure our international competitiveness.

Oslo Science City

However, life sciences will not only feature in the Life Science Building. The building will be a landmark in Norway's most knowledge-dense area and first innovation district: "Oslo Science City”. In the area extending from Majorstuen via Marienlyst and Blindern to Gaustad, as well as the Radium Hospital campus, we can find Norway’s best university, university hospital and world-class research institutes.

There are also over 300 companies based in the Research Park. More than half of these operate in the field of life sciences, mainly medicine and health. And there will be more!

Be inspired!

It is important that all researchers at the Faculty take a look around themselves and allow themselves to be inspired by the best innovators and make use of the large ecosystem of which they are a part. The Greenhouse is our new low-threshold service that can be used by our employees in order to explore the opportunities available for obtaining not only publications and doctoral degrees, but also other research benefits. 

By forskningsdekan Jan Bj?lie
Published Mar. 1, 2023 7:19 AM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2023 5:22 PM