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MED-nytt, no 15 – 2022

Election of the Dean at the Faculty of Medicine. Student or employee? Cast your vote by Wednesday 14 September at 12 noon.


Dekan Ivar P. GladhaugEditorial:
The dean election has now started!

Dean Ivar Gladhaug explains who has the right to vote and encourages you to use your right to vote in the dean's election 2022 today! Read the full editorial.

Unfortunately, due to an error in our new personnel and payroll system (DF?), many employees have fallen out of the workforce head count. This should now be updated. If an employee or student nevertheless finds that they are not registered with the right to vote (included in the head count), they can just as easily cast their vote and give a reason why they believe they should be included in the head count. No one has access to see what you vote for.

The election closes on 14 September at 12.

You can vote here now!

FRIPRO award 2022 to IMB and Klinmed

Five research environments from MED reached this year's FRIPRO award. One research environment from IMB and four from Klinmed received support. Dean Ivar P. Gladhaug congratulates Joel Glover, Kevin Sean O'Connell, Ingrid Agartz, Stian Foss and Evandro Fei Fang on the award, and wishes them good luck with their work.

Read the full article.

?rets vinnere av s?knadsrunden FRIPRO 2022


Gets 10 million to research diseases in oil workers

They are already studying the risk of cancer in oil workers. The researchers are now receiving NOK 10 million from the Research Council to also look at other diseases and injuries in those who work offshore. Dean Ivar P. Gladhaug congratulates Marit Veier?d and Jo Stenehjem and their research group, and wishes them luck with an exciting project. Read more at the Institute webpage (in Norwegian)..

Join the Medical science Fair

Stand p? teknisk museumThe National Science Week in Norway (中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐sdagene) is a nationwide event held every year to make science and research available to the public. 22 September: Free Science festival about our body at The Norwegian museum of Science and Technology. Bring your family! – Or use the opportunity for a social outing with your research group. 17 different research groups from our Faculty are present with science-stands and various activities. There will be recording of an internal medicine podcast, organoids, simulation activities and testing of VR glasses for diagnosis. Welcome!

Read more in Norwegian.

UiO's research award 2022

For his pioneering contributions to research on celiac disease and immunology, Ludvig M. Sollid received the research prize at UiO's annual party. – JI believe that if you achieve basic research results within a field, this will also provide knowledge about areas you had not thought about, says Ludvig Ludvig Sollid. Read more in Norwegian.

?pning av JebsensenterOpening of the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Cardiac Biomarkers.

The new K. B. Jebsen center opened on 1 September and will have a duration of five years. The aim of the centre's research is to improve the prevention and treatment of heart disease. The center is led by Professor Torbj?rn Omland. Read more about the opening (in Norwegian) and read more about the New Jebsen centre for cardiac research.


Lise Andrea ArgeFrampeik 2022 - Fair research

The research students' annual national conference is organized this year by our students. And this will be good! Worth attending! MED-nytt has interviewed the conference leader, research student Lise Andrea Arge. Read the interview on the webpages about studies at MED in Norwegian.

Video and appeals to students from the dean candidates:


Information for employees

Management meetings

Agenda from the Leadership Forum on 23 August: Data protection course etc. - Hearing about ARK - Hearing about recruitment - Annual report PhD - Arendalsuka/Campus South - RHETOS - Study-related matters - Research-related matters - News from the departments.

Minutes from the Faculty Board Meeting on 14 June

University Board Meetings in 2022. Last meeting on September 6. Upcoming meeting 18 October. The meetings are streamed and are open to anyone who wants to follow along with the treatment


  • Read about all the important application deadlines for research funding in Funding opportunities.
  • Award announcements: Keep up-to-date with the annual cycle for award announcements, which is updated on an ongoing basis.
  • The faculty has a MSCA postdoctoral fellowships initiative with an application deadline of 14 September. Application support material has been developed and interested academic supervisors and researchers can contact our research advisors at EEF for further information.
  • ERC Starting Grant: The European Research Council (ERC) will soon launch the 2023 Starting Grant call. Deadline 25 October 2023.

  • ERC Consolidator Grant: The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the deadline for the 2023 Consolidator Grant. Deadline 2 February 2023.

  • ERC Synergy Grant: The ERC Synergy Grant (SyG) is for 2 - 4 PIs and their teams bringing together complementary skills in order to jointly address ambitious research problems in any field of research. Deadline: 8 November 2022.

  • UiO:Life Science: Apply for admission to the innovation programme SPARK Norway Do you have an idea for a new solution or technology with innovation potential, but need help to take the next steps? Apply for UiO:Life Science’s two-year innovation programme SPARK Norway. The next deadline is 10 November.. Frist: 10. november

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also courses from USIT.
Updated overview: Upcoming public defences

Research news

You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.


Kjetil Retterst?lIMB: Unlikely that high cholesterol or statins increase the risk of dementia  by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark. 
Many patients stop taking medication for high cholesterol because they are afraid it may have negative side effects. But the observed association between risk of dementia and high cholesterol, may be caused by your lifestyle.


Medisinbloggen: New center to find answers in cardiac medicine (in Norwegian) by Torbj?rn Omland, Helge R?sj?, Magnus Nakrem Lyngbakken, Peder Langeland Myhre, Ida Gjervold Lunde and Anett Helleb? Ottesen.Approximately one fifth of the Norwegian population lives with, or has a high risk of developing, cardiovascular disease. We have set ourselves the goal of detecting heart disease faster and finding new treatments.


IMB: New hope for reduced longterm side-effects in children after leukemia treatment by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark. By using drugs currently used to treat other diseases, scientists hope they will help children with leukemia suffer fewer long-term aftereffects from their treatment.


Johanne Egge Rinholm og Lauritz KennedyIMB: Discovery of a gene that can reduce brain damage in newborns  by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark. 
The gene helps to repair brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen during birth, Norwegian researchers found.



MED-nytt is an internal newsletter for all employees and associates. Anyone who subscribes to MED-nytt can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by unsubscribing here. If you want to resubscribe to MED-nytt you can subscribe here. You can also catch up with news from MED on Facebook, TwitterLinkedIn and Instagram

By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Sep. 12, 2022 12:21 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2023 10:33 AM