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MED-nytt, no 8 – 2022


Ukrainian researchers at the Faculty of MedicineBildet kan inneholde: smil, briller, hode, briller, helsevesen.

Three Ukrainian researchers will have the opportunity to work in Charlotte Boccara’s, Espen Melum’s and Johannes Hov’s laboratories. They hope that more research communities will have the opportunity to welcome visiting researchers from Ukraine.

“The aim has been to provide a “safe haven” for research colleagues arriving as refugees from Ukraine for a few months while the situation in their hometowns hopefully improves,” says Professor Tom Hemming Karlsen, before continuing:

“Perhaps there are other communities that also have the capacity for this? Research is international, we work with international partners all the time and researchers have always been there for one another when the world has faced similar situations before.” Read the whole story and be inspired.

Two-factor authentication at the University of OsloBildet kan inneholde: panne, smil, kjeve, erme, halsb?nd.

“This change applies to everyone who uses Word, OneDrive, Teams or other Microsoft 365 products at the University of Oslo,” says Tor Henry Wold, IT Manager at ClinMed and Head of the Faculty’s ICT network. Most people are already used to using their mobile when logging in to online banks, to review tax declarations or use The University of Oslo will now become “as secure as the bank” and is introducing two-factor authentication. By 2 May, all employees at the Faculty of Medicine will need to log in using two-factor authentication.
Read more in Norwegian.

Interdisciplinary researcher projects at the University of Oslo 

Bildet kan inneholde: kl?r, smil, hode, frisyre, skjorte.The Rector’s blog: It feels great to be able to congratulate no fewer than 12 research groups on their exciting interdisciplinary researcher projects, a fantastic demonstration of the diversity at the University of Oslo. 
Read the full blog entry in Norwegian. 

Four of the projects are associated with MED:

  • Decoding metabolic and epigenetic disorders caused by adolescence sleep deprivation - Phillipe Collas, Institutt for basalmedisin
  • Polygenic and psychosocial interplay in brain development across mental disorders - Ole Andreassen, Institutt for klinisk medisin
  • Biophysics of double bilayer membrane compartements - Irep G?zen, Norsk senter for molekyl?rmedisin
  • Long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection: An interdisciplinary observational and interventional study program - Torbj?rn Omland, Institutt for klinisk medisin

The Life Science Growth House looks forward to contributing to Oslo Science City

Health and life sciences is one of four thematic areas in Norway's first innovation district Oslo Science City. ‘Oslo Science City and the strong members are important to us. Together, we will develop the Growth House to become an innovation engine in Oslo Science City’, says the director of the Growth House, Hilde Nebb. Read more.


New course:
Interdisciplinary master’s degree level course in consciousnessstudenter p? kurs

“One of the most demanding and educational courses I have attended at university” were the words spoken by one of the students. The interdisciplinary master’s degree course in consciousness research will run every autumn semester going forward. Read more in Norwegian.

The University of Oslo’s Sustainability Award for the best master's thesis

In 2018, the University of Oslo presented awards to the three best master's theses linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of the awards is to inspire originality and quality in master’s projects that contribute to knowledge and insight into sustainable development. Salma A. Eljailani Ahmed from Helsam was one of the winners with her master’s thesis on public health. It’s nearly time to nominate master's theses for this year’s award ceremony. It’s time to think about how we can showcase the master’s students whose work is worthy of this award. Keep an eye on the award website for details about the nomination process.

Circle U summer schools

The application deadline is approaching: Unique opportunity to study as part of an international community! Circle U is offering three interdisciplinary summer schools during the summer of 2022. Students from any background are welcome to apply. The summer courses are free to attend. The application deadline is 29 April

4-8 July: Rethinking global health (Paris) - PhD - no credits
8-12 August: Evidence and Democracy in Times of Crisis (Oslo) - master’s level - 5 credits
22-26 August: Communicating Climate Science (Berlin) - bachelor’s and master’s level - 5 credits

Information for employees

Management meetings

(all meeting minutes and agendas in Norwegian)


Leadership forum, 29 March: Unit-specific research procedures - MSCA - University of Oslo: Life science - Changes to the Norwegian Working Environment Act - Study matters - Research matters - New from the institutes - Current price information

Agenda for the Faculty Board meeting on 3 May.


Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all the available courses.
Updated overview: Upcoming public defences.

Research News

You can also check out what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine on facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.

中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐.no: Starved cancer cells look different on the outside in Norwegian by Eldrid BorganThis could make immunotherapy more effective. Cells from skin cancer found an emergency solution when researchers starved the cells of the amino acid tryptophan. But this means that our immune system can identify them more easily.


中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐.no: Data from research is often not shared. 1700 brain researchers have now started sharing with everyone in Norwegian by Elise Kj?rstad.Jan Bjaalie believes that it will become common to share more going forward than researchers have traditionally done.


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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Apr. 25, 2022 10:05 AM - Last modified Mar. 17, 2024 12:05 AM