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MED-nytt, no 9 – 2023

Have breakfast with the Dean. Cancer Research Award to ?slaug Helland. Popular study programmes at MED.


Editorial: Have breakfast with the DeanHanne Harbo

  • The faculty has received a visit from Nepal
  • The dean's office participates in the solemn laying of the foundation stone for the Life Science building
  • Newly appointed head of the Section for Student Affairs: Hanne-Guro Winfelt Abelvik

Last but not least, Dean Hanne Harbo invites you to breakfast so you can tell her about what's on your mind.
Read the full editorial article..

The management column

Popular study programmes at MEDEli Feiring

Vice Dean for Bachelor and Master Studies Eli Feiring writes about the high number of applicants to our study programmes and is particularly proud of the response to our new master's programme in public health science and epidemiology. She also reflects on the need for international orientation and knowledge exchange.

Read the post in the management column.

King Olav V's Cancer Research Award to ?slaug HellandIngrid og ?slaug

Professor ?slaug Helland is honoured for his unique efforts over many years for cancer patients with the Norwegian Cancer Society's Research Award for 2023. Dean Harbo congratulates Professor ?slaug Helland at the Cancer Clinic with a well-deserved award. Helland's ability to develop this important work locally, nationally and internationally has been crucial for the prognoses of certain types of lung cancer, for example, to be dramatically improved. We were given a touching example of this during the Royal Award Ceremony in the University Aula, when a young lung cancer patient told his story. The Faculty of Medicine wishes continuing success in this important work.

Read more about the award on the the institute' website in Norwegian.

Tidsskriftet MichaelAward for Excellence in Communication of Science to Erlend Hem, ?ivind Larsen and Magne Nylenna

The Norwegian Journal Association has selected the Michael quarterly: publication series of the Norwegian Medical Society, which is edited by three of our professors at the Faculty of Medicine, Erlend Hem, ?ivind Larsen and Magne Nylenna, as this year's journal in language and communication. The faculty management offers its congratulations! Read more on the Norwegian Journal Association's website.

StudiesBildet kan inneholde: panne, kinn, smil, kjeve, erme.

As announced in MED-nytt no. 6, Dean of Studies Magnus L?berg plans to create a programme to improve teaching at the faculty. Unfortunately, the scheduled discussion meeting for students and staff on May 4 had to be postponed as several simultaneous events were taking place that prevented both interested parties and speakers from participating. We will soon return with a new time and programme.

High number of applicants to our new master's programme

The new master's programme in public health science and epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine will start in autumn 2023, and has received a good response, with a total of 5.3 first-choice applicants per study place.
Read the full article on the programme of study website in Norwegian.

Information for employees

Management meetings

Management forum: Overview of the spring meeting dates (in Norwegian). The next meeting is on 30 March. The deadline for submitting items for the agenda is 25 March.

Overview of Faculty Board meetings (in Norwegian). You can find the agenda and minutes here. Next meeting: 13 June.

University Board meetings in 2023 (in Norwegian). These meetings are live streamed and are open to anyone who would like to join in. The next meeting is on 5 May.


  • See all important deadlines for research funding applications in Funding opportunities

  • Award announcements: Keep track of deadlines using the annual cycle for award announcements.

    • Prince Mahidol Award: Deadline: 31 May

    • Idéprisen 2023: It's time again for Inven2's annual idea competition. The competition is open to all employees at UiO and in Health South-East, and the main prize is NOK 250,000. The prize will go towards developing the idea into a product or service. Deadline: 5 May

  • Apply for internationalization support from UiO:Life ScienceAcademic employees, post docs and PhD students at UiO within the life sciences can apply for support to strengthen the collaboration with international research environments. The next application deadline is 1 June.

  • Apply for conference or other event support from UiO:Life ScienceAcademic employees and students at UiO can apply UiO:Life Science for funds for partially financing of open events that are in line with the initiative's strategy. The next application deadline is 1 

Courses and events

See the UiO's calender for an overview of all available courses. See also courses from USIT and Courses at Library of Medicine and Science.
Updated overview: Upcoming Disputations.

  • 9 May at Fredrik Holsts hus: Antimicrobial resistance as a biosocial problem – need for a paradigm shift?, 13:00 - 16:00. Seminar of the Interdisciplinary Network for research on Antimicrobial Resistance (INFRA)'
  • 15. Mai 14:15 - 16: Racism among the Well-Intentioned: Racial Disparities in Healthcare. Welcome to an open guest lecture at Harald Schelderups hus by Prof. John F. Dovidio on unconscious, racial bias among well-intentioned healthcare workers. 
  • May 17 in Domus Bibliotheca. UiO welcomes employees to an informal reception in Domus Bibliotheca on National Day.

  • 22 May from 08:00 to 09:00: Breakfast with the Dean. Hanne Flinstad Harbo invites anyone who wishes to participate to a "Breakfast meeting with the Dean”, where relevant topics can be addressed. Registration should be sent no later than the week before to Solmaz Azar by completing this online form: Have breakfast with the Dean Meeting point at the faculty administration, Sogn Arena, 2nd floor.
  • 23 May: 12:00–13:00: NCMM Tuesday Seminar: Jussi Taipale: Towards predicting gene expression from sequence
  • 24 May Seminar for employees who are moving into the Life Science building. Employees of the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital who will move in when the building is completed are invited to the "How will we live together?"
  • 24 May: Invitation to the Nordic EATRIS ATMP meeting in Uppsala.. EATRIS is a European infrastructure platform and UiO coordinates the activity in Norway, including several laboratories and research infrastructures at UIO. Sweden, Finland and Norway will organize a joint event with an exciting program which is now open for registration. Welcome!
  • 24. mai: Impact breakfast. Sensors in future healthcare. Meet researchers from the University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital and SINTEF as well as start-ups from the health incubator Aleap that are developing new sensor technology solutions for future healthcare.
  • 30 May Official opening of thePandemic Centre. 18 January at Domus Bibliotheca: Programme to be announced soon.
  • 31 May from 08:00 to 09:00: Breakfast with the Dean. Hanne Flinstad Harbo invites anyone who wishes to participate to a "Breakfast meeting with the Dean”, where relevant topics can be addressed. Registration should be sent no later than the week before to Solmaz Azar by completing this online form: Have breakfast with the Dean Meeting point at the faculty administration, Sogn Arena, 2nd floor.
  • 1 June in Domus Biblioteca 
    Dementia, kl 18:00 - 19:30. Interdisciplinary event series in Domus Bibliotheca, the University’s new arena for dialogue and dissemination at Universitetsplassen: Researchers from different disciplines at the University of Oslo deal with the brain in the initiative “The Brain in the Centre”.
  • 7 –8 JuneThe postdoctoral programme’s course in research management. Spaces still available. First come, first served. This time the course will be conducted without a module on supervision. See more information about the postdoctoral programme and courses
  • 8 June from 08:00 to 09:00: Breakfast with the Dean. Hanne Flinstad Harbo invites anyone who wishes to participate to a "Breakfast meeting with the Dean”, where relevant topics can be addressed. Registration should be sent no later than the week before to Solmaz Azar by completing this online form: Have breakfast with the Dean Meeting point at the faculty administration, Sogn Arena, 2nd floor.
  • June 12 FRONT Conference 2023: Gender equality in academia
  • 13 - 14 June To-dagers masterclass: F? hjelp til ? s?ke om MSCA-finansiering av postdoktorstilling  
  • 20 June: "How can we all integrate sustainability and global perspectives into research and education?" The faculty management invites you to a seminar in Domus Medica, Runde auditorium from 12:00 to 16:00. Former Rector Ole Petter Ottersen will introduce the seminar with the following topic: "From global health to global transition for health", after which representatives from many of our units will answer how they integrate these perspectives into their research and teaching. 
  • 14 September inviterer MED-fakultetet til et stort fagm?te i Universitetets aula for ? dele kunnskap om situasjonen de rammede st?r i og om gode tiltak i Norge og Ukraina. Velkommen til "Fokus p? Ukraina"! 
  • On 14 September the MED faculty invites you to an academic meeting in the University Aula to share knowledge about the situation of the affected parties, as well as appropriate measures in Norway and Ukraine. Welcome to "Focus on Ukraine".
  • 27 September
    The University of Oslo’s innovation conference for 2023. The conference will be part of Oslo Innovation Week (OIW). Circle the date! Sign up now to receive updates on the programme when it's ready. Location: Oslo Science Park  

Research news

You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.

fargerike pillerHelsam: Fierce competition between manufacturers of antibiotics in China and India. Antibiotic trade between India and China was a space of communication and contestation, involving entangled stakeholders and interests from both countries.


Illustrasjon av mus p? labKlinmed: When the mice died, the researchers discovered something exciting in Norwegian by Elin Martine Doeland. In research, things don't always go according to plan, which will sometimes result in new discoveries. The mice that had a double mutation were perfectly healthy, even with a mutation that usually causes the rare disease Stormorken syndrome.

Jannicke Borch MyhreIMB: Has our diet changed? in Norwegian by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark. What do we really eat on a daily basis? Are we consuming more or less fat, and more or less fruits and vegetables than before? Thousands of Norwegians are currently participating in the Norkost dietary survey.

illustrasjon syk mann
中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐.no/ IMB: Why do men get sicker from viruses than women? (in Norwegian)A new study may help explain why. Women seem to have fewer, but stronger natural killer cells. Professor Erik Dissen is interviewed about the study.



MED-nytt is an internal newsletter for all employees and associates. Individual MED-nytt subscribers can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by  unsubscribing here. If you want to subscribe to MED-nytt, you can subscribe here. Also follow news from the Faculty of Medicine on facebook, twitter, linkedin and instagram

By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published May 8, 2023 1:14 PM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2024 11:12 AM