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Registration of research projects in Forskpro

Forskpro is UiO's registry for keeping track of research projects. There are different procedures and guidelines at the various faculties and institutes, but as a researcher at The Department of Psychology (PSI), you are required to register all of your research projects. If you are the supervisor for a student project, it is your responsibility as a supervisor to ensure that these are correctly registered and that relevant attachments are uploaded to forskpro. 

Registration of research projects in Forskpro

You register a project by logging into Forskpro with your UiO username and password here: 中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐sprosjekt?register ved UiO (You will be able to change language to English once you're logged in). 

Below you will find a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Establish project

  • Title
  • Project leader (for student projects, the supervisor should be listed as the project leader)
  • Responsible unit
  • Handling of Personal Data?
    • Projects that handle personal data are automatically created after approval from SIKT (formerly NSD), but it is your responsibility as the project leader to double-check the registration in Forskpro.
  • Is the project medical or health-related?

Step 2: Describe project

Fill in project information (project description) and upload relevant attachments.

  • Is the project a student project, PhD project, or research project?
  • Timeline (start and planned end).
  • Provide a summary of the project, even if you are also uploading a more comprehensive project description as an attachment.
  • Include a link to the project's webpage if applicable.
  • Upload project description and attachments, such as:
    • Project description
    • Data management plan
    • Information letter to patients
    • Other relevant attachments
      • Note: Only the project leader, unit leaders, and research administration will have access to these documents.

Researchers and Collaborators:

  • Add all researchers and students participating in the project from UiO.
  • If there is collaboration with other institutions, add them as well.
    • Upload any collaboration agreements if available.
  • Add researchers not affiliated with UiO/PSI.
  • Register who is responsible for the processing of personal data.

Step 3: Register approvals

Here, you add relevant approvals for your project. If you haven't received responses to all applications, the approvals can be uploaded to Forskpro later. If the project is neither health-related nor involves processing personal data, there might not be such a tab, and all attachments should be uploaded in Step 2. Only the project leader, unit leaders, and case handlers have access to the documents uploaded.

  • Internal Submission
  • SIKT (formerly NSD)
  • REK – Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics
  • SLV - Norwegian Medicines Agency
  • Other Approvals

Final Report:

Decide whether the project will be concluded in the upcoming year. If you have received approvals from REK or SLV, a final report must be submitted to them upon project completion.

Different Types of Projects - Some Special Conditions

PhD Project (Internal/External)

All PhD projects at PSI should have their own registration in ForskPro, even if they are based on one or more projects already registered. Internal candidates can perform this registration themselves, whereas for external candidates, the internal supervisor at PSI needs to handle the registration.

Student Project (Master's thesis)

Student projects (Master's thesis or hovedoppgave for the clinical students) at PSI should be registered in Forskpro by the internal supervisor. The procedure for student projects is outlined on a separate webpage dedicated to Student projects.

Participation in External Projects

External projects in which one is involved (where research responsibility lies with another institution) should also be registered in Forskpro at UiO. In such cases, it is desirable to upload documentation, or at the very least, provide references to it (indicating where it can be found). The registration process for such projects is often less extensive.

Published Jan. 10, 2020 1:22 PM - Last modified Aug. 14, 2023 4:24 PM