Mette Halskov Hansen

Vice-Rector for Climate & the Environment and Cross-Disciplinarity
Image of Mette Halskov Hansen
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Professor Mette Halskov Hansen was appointed Vice-Rector for Climate & the Environment and Cross-Disciplinarity from August 2021-2025.


  • Born 1962 in Copenhagen
  • Education in China studies, anthropology, literary science from Aarhus University, Shandong University, China (1986-1988), School of Oriental and Asian Studies, (1991)
  • Phd with thesis about ethnic relations and minority education in China, Aarhus University, 1996
  • Postdoctoral fellow, Centre for Development and the Environment, UiO, 1996-1999
  • From 2000, associate professor, Department of East European and Oriental Studies (I?O), UiO
  • Professor since 2003
  • Head of Department I?O, 2003-2004
  • Head of Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS), 2005-2006
  • Dean of Research, Faculty of Humanities, UiO 2007-2010.
  • Honorary visiting professor, Department of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011-2012
  • Visiting professor Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2015
  • Foreign professor, Zhejiang University, 2015-2018
  • PI of Airborne project, Centre for Advanced Studies, 2016-2017
  • Spent more 6+ years as student and researcher in China and Taiwan since 1986

Research Areas

  • Ethnic relations and minority policy in China
  • Minority education and rural education in China
  • Processes of individualisation in China
  • Han Chinese migrations to Tibetan and other minority areas
  • Air pollution and environment in China: policy making and popular engagement
  • Spiritually inspired environmental movements in China, Taiwan, India and Vietnam (Transsustain 2020-2027, Research Council of Norway)

Services to the profession

  • 2015-2023, member of the main board of the Research Council of Norway
  • Previous examples of board positions include, for instance, external board member in the Faculty of Humanities, UiB; Centre for East and South East Asian Studies, Lund University; Peace Research Institute of Oslo; Fridtjof Nansen Institute; Division of Science, NFR 


  • Subjects related to China's society, politics, history and culture at all levels
  • Supervisor for a large number of MA and PhD students

I'm blogging with the rest of the team at Rector's blog.

Tags: Chinese society and politics, Ethnic relations, Environmental Studies


  • Chen, Lu & Hansen, Mette Halskov (2022). Gender and power in China’s environmental turn: A case study of three women-led initiatives. Social Sciences. ISSN 2076-0760. 11:97(3), p. 1–14. doi: 10.3390/socsci11030097. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hu, Ruolan; Wang, Shuxiao; Aunan, Kristin; Zhao, M.J.; Chen, L. & Liu, Zhaohui [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2019). Personal exposure to PM2.5 in Chinese rural households in the Yangtze River Delta. Indoor Air. ISSN 0905-6947. 29(3), p. 403–412. doi: 10.1111/ina.12537. Full text in Research Archive
  • Aunan, Kristin; Hansen, Mette Halskov; Liu, Zhaohui & Wang, Shuxiao (2019). The Hidden Hazard of Household Air Pollution in Rural China. Environmental Science and Policy. ISSN 1462-9011. 93(March), p. 27–33. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2018.12.004. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov; Li, Hongtao & Svarverud, Rune (2018). Ecological civilization: Interpreting the Chinese past, projecting the global future. Global Environmental Change. ISSN 0959-3780. 53(November), p. 195–203. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.09.014. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2018). China's Education System: Loved and Hated. In Wu, Weiping & Frazier, Mark W. (Ed.), The Sage Handbook of Contemporary China. Sage Publications. ISSN 978-1-4739-4894-5. p. 1093–1112. doi: 10.4135/9781526436085.n52. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Liu, Zhaohui (2018). Air Pollution and Grassroots Echoes of “Ecological Civilization” in Rural China. The China Quarterly. ISSN 0305-7410. 234(June), p. 320–339. doi: 10.1017/S0305741017001394. Full text in Research Archive
  • Aunan, Kristin; Hansen, Mette Halskov & Wang, Shuxiao (2018). Introduction: Air Pollution in China. The China Quarterly. ISSN 0305-7410. 234, p. 279–298. doi: 10.1017/S0305741017001369. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Ahlers, Anna Lisa (2017). Air Pollution: How Will China Win its Self-Declared War Against it? In Sternfeld, Eva (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy in China. Routledge. ISSN 1138831115. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2015). European Kids in Western China: Gender, Education and Cultural Relativism. In Cornet, Candice & Blumenfeld, Tami (Ed.), Doing Fieldwork in China With Kids: The Dynamics of Accompanied Fieldwork in the People's Republic. NIAS Press. ISSN 8776941698.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Pang, Cuiming (2014). Idealising individual choice: work, love, and family in the eyes of young, rural Chinese. In Scharff, David & Varvin, Sverre (Ed.), Psychoanalysis in China. Karnac Books. ISSN 1780490836. p. 3–21. doi: 10.4324/9780429478826-2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Woronov, T.E. (2013). Demanding and resisting vocational education: a comparative study of schools in rural and urban China. Comparative Education. ISSN 0305-0068. 49(2), p. 242–259. doi: 10.1080/03050068.2012.733848.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2013). Learning Individualism: Hesse, Confucius, and Pep-Rallies in a Chinese Rural High School. The China Quarterly. ISSN 0305-7410. p. 60–77. doi: 10.1017/S0305741013000015.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2012). Recent Trends in Chinese Rural Education: The Disturbing Rural-Urban Disparities and the Measures to Meet Them. In Florence, Eric & Defraigne, Pierre (Ed.), Towards a New Development Paradigm in Twenty-First Century China Economy, Society and Politics. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-53212-9. p. 165–178.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2012). Learning to Organize and to be Organized: Student Cadres in a Chinese Rural Boarding School. In Bislev, Ane & Th?gersen, Stig (Ed.), Organizing Rural China - Rural China Organizing. Lexington Books. ISSN 978-0-7391-7009-0. p. 125–139.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Pang, Cuiming (2010). Idealizing individual choice: Work, love and family in the eyes of young rural Chinese. In Hansen, Mette Halskov & Svarverud, Rune (Ed.), iChina: The rise of the individual in modern Chinese society. NIAS Press. ISSN 978-87-7694-053-9. p. 39–65.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Organising, the old: Senior authority and the political significance of a rural Chinese 'non-governmental organisation'. Modern Asian Studies. ISSN 0026-749X. 42(5), p. 1057–1078. doi: 10.1017/S0026749X07002946.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Cuiming, Pang (2008). Me and My Family: Perceptions of Individual and Collective among Young Rural Chinese. European Journal of East Asian Studies. ISSN 1568-0584. 7(1), p. 75–99. doi: 10.1163/156805808X333929.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2006). In The Footsteps of the Communist Party: Dilemmas and Strategies. In Heimer, Maria & Th?gersen, Stig (Ed.), Doing Fieldwork in China. NIAS Press. ISSN 8791114977.

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  • Hansen, Mette Halskov; Svarverud, Rune & Ahlers, Anna Lisa (2020). The Great Smog of China: A Short Event History of Air Pollution. Association for Asian Studies. ISBN 9780924304927. 184 p.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov; Th?gersen, Stig & Wellens, Koen (2018). Kina - stat, individ og samfunn (3. utgave). Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215030760. 264 p.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Liu, Zhaohui (2018). A Window on the Sky: Chinese and Foreign Scholars Discuss the Atmospheric Environment and Its Governance. Zhejiang University Press. ISBN 978-7-308-18125-9. 193 p.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2015). Educating the Chinese Individual: Life in a Rural High School. University of Washington Press. ISBN 9780295994086. 240 p.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Th?gersen, Stig (2013). Kina: Stat, samfunn og individ. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 978-82-15-02234-5. 260 p.
  • Svarverud, Rune & Hansen, Mette Halskov (2011). “自我中国”--现代中国社会中个体的崛起 (iChina - The Rise of the Individual in Modern Chinese Society). Shanghai Translation Publishing House. ISBN 9787532755394. 298 p.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Svarverud, Rune (2010). iChina: The rise of the individual in modern Chinese society. NIAS Press. ISBN 978-87-7694-053-9. 293 p.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Th?gersen, Stig (2008). Kina - individ og samfunn. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 978-82-15-01200-1. 238 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2024). ?kologisk sivilisasjon: Kinas bud p? fremtidens antropocen. In Mjaaland, Marius Timmann; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland & Hessen, Dag Olav (Ed.), Antropocen - menneskets tidsalder. Res Publica. ISSN 9788282263016. p. 151–165.
  • Gj?rum, Rikke Gürgens & Hansen, Mette Halskov (2023). Universitetenes essensielle rolle i en b?rekraftig fremtid. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2023). Epilogue. In Münster, Ursula; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland & Schroer, Sara Asu (Ed.), Responding to the Anthropocene: Perspectives from Twelve Academic Disciplines. Scandinavian Academic Press. ISSN 978-82-304-0362-4. p. 331–337.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Gornitzka, ?se (2023). 中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐s中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐 p? tvers av politiske systemer og akademiske kulturer: Europa og Kina. In Graver, Hans Petter; Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth & Havelin, Gro (Ed.), Hvor g?r demokratiet?. Dreyer Forlag A/S. ISSN 9788282656702. p. 107–129.
  • Wellens, Koen & Hansen, Mette Halskov (2023). Spiritually Inspired Environmental Movements in Asia: Local Practices, Universal Potential? .
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2022). Hva er et individ i Kina? del 1 av podcasten Kinapodden. [Internet]. Needtoknow, Kinapodden.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2022). The Nordica Asia Podcast about Transcendence and Sustainability: Asian Visions with Global Potentials. [Internet]. New Books Network
  • Tonne, Hilde; Ruud, Kenneth; Aronsen, Jan Magnus; Aamot, Eli; Melleby, Karianne & Hansen, Mette Halskov [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2022). Statsr?den omtaler situasjonen som ?alvorlig?. Realiteten er at det er en oppkonstruert krise. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Ingold, Tim; Hansen, Mette Halskov; Riede, Felix; Swanson, Heather Anne & Ween, Gro Birgit (2022). Reason and Response-ability.
  • Wellens, Koen & Hansen, Mette Halskov (2022). Hva b?r Norge gj?re med sitt forhold til Kina? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2021). Book review: Being Modern in China: A Western Cultural Analysis of Modernity, Tradition, and Schooling in China Today, by Paul Willis. The China Quarterly. ISSN 0305-7410.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2021). 中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐s中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐 med Kina.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2021). Ecological Civilization.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov; Wellens, Koen; Münster, Daniel & Baviskar, Amita (2021). Transcendence and Sustainability: Asian Visions with Global Promise. Panel presentation and discussion.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2021). Ecological Civilization: Chinese Dream or Global Strategy? A Discussion with Mette Halskov Hansen. [Internet]. New Books Network.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2020). Nyhetene - om Wuhan og Corona virus. [TV]. TV2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2020). Forsker om Kinas h?ndtering av Wuhan-viruset: – Et stort sosialt eksperiment ? stenge s? mange millioner mennesker inne. [Internet]. 中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐.no.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2020). Kinas respons p? Corona virus (intervju i Klassekampen). [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2020). Kinas respons p? Corona virus (intervju i Klassekampen). [Internet]. Dagsavisen.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2020). Kinas respons p? Corona virus (intervju i Klassekampen). [Newspaper]. Klasssekampen.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Hong Kongs lokalvalg. [Newspaper]. Klasssekampen.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Hong Kongs lokalvalg. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Hong Kongs lokal valg og lejre i Xinjiang, TV2 Nyheter. [TV]. TV2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Hong Kongs lokal-valg, VG BLOGG. [Radio]. VG.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Hong Kongs lokal valg - TV2 nyheter. [TV]. TV2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Milj? i grisens ?r.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Luftforurensning som game changer i Kina.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Kina - v?r verden.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Imagining Eco-Civilization and Protesting Air Pollution in China.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). The hidden hazards of air pollution in China: The gender and class of household air pollution.
  • Schmitt, Edwin & Hansen, Mette Halskov (2019). Solar Energy in China. [Internet]. Sci-Tech Asia.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov; Aunan, Kristin; Liu, Zhaohui & Wang, Shuxiao (2017). The Hidden Hazard of Household Air Pollution (HAP) in China.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov & Ahlers, Anna Lisa (2016). Kinas luftforurensning – kimen til sosial og politisk forandring? Energi og Klima : Norsk klimastiftelses nettmagasin.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2013). Chinese modernity and the individual psyche. The China Quarterly. ISSN 0305-7410. p. 1075–1076. doi: 10.1017/S0305741013001239.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2013). Review of Andrew Kipnis (ed.): Chinese Modernity and the Individual Psyche. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012. The China Quarterly. ISSN 0305-7410. 216(December), p. 1075–1076.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2012). Book review: Kipnis, Andrew B. Governing educational desire: culture, politics, and schooling in China.London, Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 2011. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. ISSN 1359-0987. p. 479–480.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2012). Review of Andrew Kipnis: Governing educational desire: culture, politics, and schooling in China. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. ISSN 1359-0987. 18(2), p. 479–480. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9655.2012.01754_13.x.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2011). Book review of: Everett Zhang, Arthur Kleinman, and Tu Weiming, eds., Governance of Life in the Chinese Moral Experience: The Quest for an Adequate Life. Asian Anthropology. ISSN 1683-478X. 10, p. 169–172.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2011). Kinas personlige problem. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2011). Book review of: Identity and Schooling Among the Naxi: Becoming Chinese with Naxi Identity. The China Journal. ISSN 1324-9347. 65, p. 237–240.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2011). Sensur og selvsensur i Kina. [Radio]. RadioRakel.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2011). Book review of "Identity and Schooling Among the Naxi: Becoming Chinese with Naxi Identity" and "Muslim Uyghur Students in a Chinese Boarding School: Social Recapitalization as a Response to Ethnic Integration". The China Journal. ISSN 1324-9347. p. 237–240.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2010). Nobel peace price. [Internet]. Voice of America.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2010). Governing rural youth: Space, time, and student associations in the Chinese high school.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2010). Dagsnytt 18, fredsprisen 2010. [TV]. Nrk2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2010). P2 temadag Kina. [Radio]. Nrk P2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2010). Her og n?. [Radio]. Nrk P2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2010). Friheter styrkes i Kina. [Newspaper]. Klassekampen.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2010). Dagsnytt 18, Google ut av Kina. [TV]. Nrk 1 Radio og Nrk 2 TV.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2009). URIX, feiring av Kinas 60 ?r. [TV]. NRK2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2009). Dagsnytt 18: Kina 60 ?r. [Radio]. NRK1 + NRK2 (TV).
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2009). Recent trends in Chinese rural education: the rural-urban disparities and the measures to meet them.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2009). Recent trends in Chinese rural education: The disturbing rural-urban disparities and the measures to meet them.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2009). Organizing Chinese youth: Fieldwork from a rural middle school.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2009). Teaching political practice in the PRC: A view from below.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Dagsnytt 18 om den kinesiske folkekongres' m?de 2008. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Kina-forskere i Lund, Sveriges radio P1. [Radio]. P1, Sveriges Radio.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Dagsnytt 18, NRK P1 (konflikt uigurer og kinesiske myndigheter). [Radio]. NRK P1 og NRK2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Intervju i forbindelse med artiklen "I bokform til Beijing". Artikel i tidsskriftet Ny Tid. [Newspaper]. Ny Tid.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Den ?konomiske situasjon i Kina, Dagsnytt 18. [Radio]. Nrk P2 og TV NRK2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Verden p? l?rdag, NRK2 (om Kinas reaksjon p? demonstrasjoner i Tibet). [Radio]. NRK2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Ukeslutt NRK P1 (om Kinas reaksjon p? demonstrasjoner i Tibet). [Radio]. Nrk P1.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Dagsrevyen Nrk1 (om Kinas reaksjoner p? demonstrasjoner i Tibet). [TV]. Nrk1.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Dagsrevyen Nrk1 (Kinas reaksjoner p? demonstrasjoner i Tibet). [TV]. Nrk1.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Dagsnytt 18, Nrk2 (Kinas myndigheter og Dalai Lama). [Radio]. Nrk P2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). Me - and my family: Perceptions of individual and collective among young, rural Chinese.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2008). The Chinese Individual: Experiences and Results from a Cross-disciplinary Research Collective.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2007). Verden i dag, NRK P2. [Radio]. Nrk P2.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2007). Dagbladet, Folkekongressen Kina. [Newspaper]. Dagbladet.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2007). "Kinesiske b?nder p? krigsstien". [Newspaper]. Dagbladeet.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2007). Go West: Chinese migration to minority areas.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2006). Forholdet mellem individets rettigheder og de kollektive forpligtigelser i Kina.
  • Hansen, Mette Halskov (2006). Intervju om den nasjonale folkekongress i Kina. [TV]. NRK, URIX.

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Published Aug. 2, 2021 12:48 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2021 10:20 AM