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Previous events - Page 2

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Ross T. Milton is an Assistant Professor of public affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He will be presenting the paper: "The Volatility Penalty: Income Aggregation and Tax Policy" (written with Corina Mommaerts).

Time and place: , Amalie Skram-salen, Litteraturhuset, Oslo

In this talk, Christopher S. Wood (NYU) seeks to locate impressionism within a wider horizon of self-taught or DIY artistic practices

Time and place: , GM 452 / Zoom (see below)

Andriana Domouzi (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands Hus 421

Spencer Hazel reports on work with the Voice-based Conversational User Interface (CUI or VUI) of the healthcare start-up Ufonia, showing how the recent adoption of Large Language Model (LLM) technology has opened up further opportunities to leverage Conversation Analysis and Applied Linguistics to help train CUIs in recipient design for L2 users

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Andreas ?kland is a Postdoctoral fellow at School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). He will present the paper: "Who Owns Cryptocurrency?" (written with Mona Barake and Elvin Le Pouha?r).

Time and place: , Aud 2, Georg Sverdrups Hus

In this lecture, Claus Emmeche (University of Copenhagen) will discuss how literary texts and the concept of "semiotic realism" may inform research on the emotional attachments of friendship.

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Tore Adam Reiremo is a Researcher at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo.

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, blokk B, Meeting room 1040 & ZOOM

In this final seminar, Hanne Castberg Thee Tresselt will present the draft of her PhD thesis titled “Precision Vaccines and Educated Immune Systems: The shaping of immune systems through immunological practices”

Time and place: , Forum, Oslo Science Park

The invited speaker is Megha Padi, Assistant Professor in Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Arizona Cancer Centre. The title of her talk is "Translating network biology into new therapies for rare cancers".

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Erlend Magnussen Fleisje is a Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo. He will present the paper: “Evidence on gender-differences and efficiency in an exam appeal system.”

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands Hus 421

Vivian Zhang from Cornell University presents her research on how caregiver-infant turn-taking facilitates communicative development 

Time and place: , Niels Treschows hus, floor 12 (HF-12)

A discussion of representations of flight, homelessness, border crossing, belonging and identity formation in recent as well as older literature, with an emphasis on literature's connections to the world of politics and ethics.

Time and place: , Auditorium 5 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Kyle Herkenhoff is an Associate Professor of economics at the University of Minnesota. He will present the paper: "Welfare Costs of Credit Card Oligopoly" (written with Juan M. Morelli).

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands Hus 421

Ron Darvin (University of British Columbia, Canada) discusses how applied linguistics research can address the compelling issues of language, technology and identity that confront us in the age of AI 

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Dave Donaldson is a Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands hus or Zoom (link below)

Language and Cognition Forum is happy to announce that PhD student Akvile Sinkevi?iūt? (Northeastern University London ) will present her work on bilinguals' colour discrimination at Henrik Wergelands House on June 14th. 

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Yoto Yotov is a professor at the School of Economics of the LeBow College of Business at Drexel University.

Time and place: , Blindern, Georg Sverdrups Hus, Grupperom 4

Robert Aronowitz is Professor, History and Sociology of Science, and the Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Social Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Xavier Jaravel is an Associate Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics.

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands Hus 421

Five MA students in Multilingualism will present the results of their psycholinguistic projects as part of the MULTI4150 - Project-based Research in Multilingualism course.

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Bradley Setzler is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Pennsylvania State University. He will present the paper: “Imperfect Competition and Rents in Labor and Product Markets: The Case of the Construction Industry” (written with Kory Kroft, Yao Luo and Magne Mogstad). 

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands Hus 421

Sverre Stausland will present his research on the origin of the word ordskifte 

Time and place: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Manasi Deshpande is an Associate Professor of Economics with tenure at the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, University of Chicago.

Time and place: , Blindern, Georg Sverdrups Hus, Undervisningsrom 2

Ulrike Felt is Professor of Science and Technology Studies, and Head of the Department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Vienna.