SPARK Norway Educational Forum: Market and competitor analysis

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

To know your competitive advantages and needs from your end users is key to success. This is what sets your business idea apart from your competition and helps getting the attention from potential investors.

How do you gain insight to understand your customers and their most important unmet needs? How do you analyze your market? How do you convey your story and your uniqueness to potential partners and investors?


Two highly knowledgeable life science professionals will share their experience from working with market understanding and investment opportunities.

Shane West
Shane WestHead of Incubator and Business Advisor, Aleap AS

Shane has more than 15 years’ experience from the global medical technology industry.

He is a specialist in strategic marketing, business and product development with experience from GE Healthcare and the startup environment across Europe Shane holds an MBA and a BSc in Cognitive Science from La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Georg Vo Beiske 
Georg Vo Beiske?CEO at Tribune Therapeutics & Venture Partner at HealthCap

Georg has experience both from pharmaceutical industry and from venture capital fund.

He has previously held positions as Scientist and Development manager radiopharmaceuticals in Bayer and he is now Venture partner in HealthCap.

Georg holds a MSc in pharmacy from UiO.


UiO:Life Science
Published Dec. 6, 2021 11:00 AM - Last modified Mar. 16, 2022 10:39 AM