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Newsletter UiO:Life Science October 2015

UiO researchers approach antibiotic-resistant bacteria from many different angles

Fernanda Cristina Petersen

The University of Oslo is conducting a number of life-science projects that share the same goal: to address the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance, considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be one of the greatest health threats the world is facing. Interdisciplinary collaboration is required to solve this huge challenge to societies worldwide.


Promising results from a new agent to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

P?l Rongved

There is a great need for new anti-microbial drugs, because a number of bacteria are now resistant to those antibiotics that are available on the market. Results produced by researchers at the University of Oslo using so-called zinc chelators are so promising that the Research Council of Norway and a commercial stakeholder have decided to grant several million NOK in support to the project.


Better digital management is needed to control the use of antibiotics

Dag BerildIn spite of many years with national scientific guidelines for the use of antibiotics, the problems caused by antibiotic resistance are increasing in Norway too. Digital management of the prescribing practices of doctors is needed to diminish the use of antibiotics in hospitals as well as in general practice, according to Dag Berild, Senior Consultant.



This week

  • 14.10. Oslo Innovation Week: Cutting Edge – Science and Innovation Festival
  • 14.10. The Jahre lectures 2015
  • 15.10. Award ceremony Anders Jahre’s awards for medical research 2015

February 16, 2016:
Oslo Life Science – opening conference for UiO:Life Science

This will be the first of the annual conferences held by UiO:Life Science. Further information later. Save the date!

By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Oct. 13, 2015 10:23 AM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2019 6:13 PM