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Newsletter UiO:Life Science September 2016?

Events in September

13th–15th of September in Stockholm
Norwegian–Swedish networking and Nordic Life Science Days

Banner med logoer norske akt?rer NLS-Days

UiO:Life Science and life sciences clusters and organisations will promote Norwegian healthcare and life science industry at
Nordic Life Science Days (NLSDays) in Stockholm this week.
Download a folder with short texts about each of the partners (pdf).
We are also attending the Norwegian–Swedish networking at the embassy in Stockholm the evening before the conference. Director of UiO:Life Science, Finn-Eirik Johansen, is one of the speakers.
Read more about the networking at (in Norwegian).

28th of September at 17–18.30 at Kulturhuset, Youngstorget
Green revolution – the place of academia in the green transition (in Norwegian) 

Collaboration between green student organisations at UiO, the Student Parliament at UiO and the three large priority areas at UiO, UiO:Life Science, UiO:Energy and UiO:Nordic. The event is part of UiO:中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐sdagene.

28th and 29th of September at UiO
Funding of convergence environments: Still possible to register for workshop

To support the UiO life sciences strategy UiO:Life Science will fund several ?konvergensmilj?? – research groups with collaboration across conventional disciplinary boundaries. The application process starts with workshops with speed dating September 28 and 29. The registration deadline was the 7th of September. 91 persons registered for the workshop within the deadline. The registration form will be open till the 15th of September in case anyone is still considering to participate.

Trip for the board to London (in Norwegian)

Styret og ansatte UiO:LivsvitenskapIn August the UiO:Life Science Board and the staff of UiO:Life Science visited University of Cambridge, Imperial College London and the new Francis Crick Institute.

Student innovation and entrepreneurship, business collaboration, new buildings and new ways of organising the research institutes are keywords from the trip.

Building news

Ole Petter Ottersen, Gerd Kristiansen og Kristin Skogen Lund som bruker VR-briller

Quality assurance of the management base and cost estimates before the project is submitted to Parliament for approval and funding (QA2) of the planned life science building at UiO started August 16th according to the time schedule and is to be finished till Christmas (read more about the QA scheme). 

The building is planned for completion in 2023. Until then you may join a virtual 3D tour in the life sciences building as UiO rector Ole Petter Ottersen, LO President Gerd Kristiansen and NHO Director General Kristin Skogen Lund attended during  a summit at UiO at the 31st of August.

Research and innovation news

    Bacteria – lethal but necessary

    Apollons illustrasjonsbilde av temanummer om bakterierUiO’s research magazine Apollon has written an issue about research on bacteria at UiO.

    Innovation examples from Inven2 (in Norwegian)

    Inven2 which is UiO's and OUS' technology transfer office (TTO) has collected some success stories from their work. Here is a couple from life sciences research at UiO and OUS.

    Nordic Nanovector



    Are you a scientist and make your own research reagents? Register at and Inven2 can help to deal with your requests.
    Read more and watch a video about the service

    Read more

    More events later in the autumn/winter

    Oslo Life Science 15th–17th of February 2017 – save the dates!

    ?This will be the 2nd conference hosted by UiO:Life Science for all of you who are interested in research, education, innovation, business and politics in life sciences. Oslo University Hospital and the Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI) are co-organisers. It has been decided that a pre-event at the 15th of February will be a part of the conference so you should save all three dates.


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    By Norunn K. Torheim
    Published Sep. 12, 2016 8:50 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:46 PM