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Newsletter UiO:Life Science May 2019

The life science summer projects have started!
Student gets to test new innovative method to treat chronic pain

Emma Eriksson is a first-year student at the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo. She is one of the 41 lucky students, who have been offered a grant from UiO:Life Science to work on a life science research project this summer.

Emma is part of the team at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital that will test a new innovative treatment on Norwegian patients with chronic pain. The method involves meditative breathing with monitoring on smartphones at home.



Events with support from UiO:Life Science

News from the new interdisciplinary research groups – convergence environments

I March UiO:Life Science announced the funded of eight new convergence environments that will solve major societal challenges.

  • How is medical evidence interpreted in court? (in Norwegian)
    In the convergence environment Medical, legal and lay understandings of physical evidence in rape cases (Evidently Rape) researchers from the faculties of law and medicine will study how physical evidence matters and can matter in how the crime of rape is met by medical and criminal justice institutions.

  • Will look into organ donation (in Norwegian)
    Marius Mjaaland at The Faculty of Theology is one of the principal investigators in the convergence environment Availability and function of donor organs: Debating the dead donor rule (3DR). The project may revolutionize organ donation, and will debate important ethical and existential aspects of organ donation. 
    K?re-Olav Stensl?kken at the Faculty of Medicine is the project leader.

  • Vacancies in the convergence environments
    The convergence environments have received funding from UiO:Life Science for 29 PhD and postdoctoral positions. The first position has been advertised by the convergence environment MultiModal Mental Models: converging approaches from genome to mental illness and interplay with psychosocial stressors (4MENT) that wants to better understand the etiology and disease mechanisms of severe mental disorders, focusing on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and related mental phenotypes.

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By Norunn K. Torheim
Published May 24, 2019 9:41 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:46 PM