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Newsletter May 2024

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Newsletter from UiO:Life Science

May 2024

Celebration of UiO:Life Science' second generation convergence environments 

On Thursday 30 May, UiO:Life Science invited to a gathering where representatives from the interdisciplinary research groups shared their experiences and results. Vice-rector Per Morten Sandset opened the event.


Esten H?yland Leonardsen
Esten H. Leonardsen from the convergence environment MultiModal Mental Models: converging approaches from genomes to mental illness and interplay with psychosocial stressors (4MENT) defended his thesis The role of neuroimaging beyond T1-weighted MRI in the diagnosis and prediction of neuropsychiatric disorders for the degree PhD 8 May. 

Picture of Hussain Shakeel Butt
Hussain Shakeel Butt from the convergence environment REA:Life defended his thesis Characterization of novel polysaccharides and polyphenols in selected Nordic medicinal plants identified through historical sources for the degree Philosophiae Doctor 22 May.

Trine Skuland 
from the convergence environment Epigenetics will defend her thesis Understanding H3K4me3 and m6A dynamics in oogenesis and embryonic development for the degree Philosophiae Doctor 5 June.

Will the initiative UiO:Life Science be extended?

The largest strategic priority area at the University of Oslo, UiO:Life Science was established in 2015 for five years. In 2020 the university board decided to extend the period with five new years.

18 June the university board will decide whether UiO:Life Science will be given five more years. Follow the university board meeting.

Read about SPARKee Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi

Apollon had an article about Shalchian-Tabrizi's research on soil and microbes and his participation in UiO:Life Science' innovation programme SPARK Norway.

Apply for internationalization support

Academic employees, post docs and PhD students at UiO within the life sciences can apply for support to strengthen the collaboration with international research environments. Application deadline is 1 June.

Conference or other event support

Academic employees and students at UiO can apply UiO:Life Science for funds for partially financing of open events that are in line with the initiative's strategy. Application deadline 1 June.

