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Call for funding incoming internships

Do you work at the University of Oslo and want to give an international student the opportunity to undertake an internship project?  

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UiO:Energy and Environment sees the promotion of increased international mobility as a competence-enhancing and research-promoting initiative. For this reason, we provide funding for researchers/departments at the University of Oslo that offer internships for incoming students that wants to undertake an internship within the field of sustainable energy, climate and environment. 

Open ended application deadline in 2024.

Apply here

Details about the internship 

  • Each internship may apply for funding for up to 25 000 NOK
  • The funding can cover travel expenses and housing for the students during the internship period. Funding for the incoming students is an educational measure and the awarded grant may not be used to cover salary expenses
  • Researchers employed at UiO may apply for funding covering research and competence-increasing activities for an international student wanting to undertake an internship. The internship project can be a stand-alone activity, or it can be part of a larger ongoing project/activity at UiO
  • The period of the internship is to be decided between the researcher and the incoming student but should typically be between 8-12 weeks. Interns are not to take on work designated to ordinary staff, and it is imperative that the students are offered a meaningful, supervised research project and not just menial tasks for the research group 

The funding will be transferred from UiO:Energy and Environment to the department/centre/museum hosting the incoming student. Please note that applications must be approved by the head of the department/centre/museum before being submitted. 


Contact Maria Dyvik:

Published Feb. 25, 2020 1:19 PM - Last modified Sep. 3, 2024 3:29 PM