Call for summer research projects 2021

UiO:Energy will fund educational summer research projects between April and October 2020 for 10 students enrolled in their last year of a bachelor program, or in their first year of a master-program at UiO. We now invite UiO researchers to suggest projects for one or two students per research group.

Application deadline:  January 31,  2021. Closed

Image may contain: Publication, Line, Book, Notebook, Paper.

Summer research projects should have an educational profile and give students hands-on experience with sustainable energy research. The projects may address a societal challenge and, if possible, have an interdisciplinary perspective.

In 2019  Marianne Zeyringer from Department of Technology Systems proposed the summer reserach project: "A spatial analysis of the wind and PV capacity potential in Norway."  Read more about the project here

About the scholarship

  • The proposed summer research projects should thematically cover one or more of the four main research areas of UiO:Energy.
  • Students will perform research under supervision integrated in a UiO research group within sustainable energy. It is imperative that the students are offered a meaningful, supervised research project and not just do menial tasks for the research groups.
  • Each student will receive a scolarship of NOK 40 000 for their effort. 
  • Funding is for six weeks full-time equivalent (reduced time per week down to 50% for 12 weeks can be accepted).Ideally, we would like the research period to be during summer recess, but UiO:Energy will fund  any period such that research in concluded before November 1st 2020.
  • The exact work plan will be defined by you as researchers or research group in dialogue with the assigned student(s).

Regarding the selection of candidates:

  • Students enrolled in  5th or 6th semester  of a bachelor-program or 1st year of a master-program at UiO may apply.
  • The final selection of candidates  will be done by project provider (you) and UiO:Energy within 1st of April based on the following criterion:
    • Academic proficiency (grades)
    • Motivation letter and relevant competence for the project at hand

For any questions regarding UiO:Energy summer research projects contact: ?ystein Moen

Submitting summer project proposals:

Please fill out the form below and upload a project description.
Supervisors are expected to commit enough time to guide the students and also participate at a final half-day gathering in the fall after all projects have been completed. 

Published Apr. 28, 2021 6:32 PM - Last modified June 16, 2023 3:21 PM