About anonymity

In an anonymous survey it should not be possible for the recipient of the responses to see who answered what. In order to ensure anonymity please consider consider the measures and general steps described bellow. 

Click here to see Ensuring anonymity in Nettskjema

General discussion of  privacy measurements and anonymous forms

Even if there is no link between person and response for anonimous forms in Nettskjema, we still recommend both responders and administrators to keep the following points in mind to ensure that submitted data can?t be traced in other ways:

Recommended number of invited users.

  • The more submitted responses, the more difficult is it to deduce who has submitted which response. Less than ten invited users to a form is not recommended if anonymity for responders is an important issue.

The respondent should keep the time of submit private.

  • Keep private when an anonomus response was submitted. If form owner or system administrators know when a form was submitted, there is a theoretical possibility to find your response based on other administrative information.

Use neutral language when responding.

  • If a question is to be written, the you should beware of that dialect, colloquial language, and special expressions can undermine anonymity.

The use of open or closed questions.

  • A way to ensure comparability, simplicity and neutral language is to use closed questions with predefined alternatives.
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Published June 29, 2010 10:57 AM - Last modified July 12, 2024 1:24 PM