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Check list for a partially digital defence

(At least) 4 days before the defence

  1. Check that the equipment in the lecture room works (camera, microphones, cynap, etc). If there is no cynap, use webinar for the defence instead, and follow the setup for a completely digital defence, but ensure that microphones in the room work.

3 days before the defence

  1. Set up the practice defence in Zoom and invite the opponents, the candidate and the chair of the committee.
  2. Check that the chair of the committee has a laptop that they can use during the defence for the private Zoom meeting with the rest of the committee. 

2 days before the defence

  1. Conduct the practice defence with the candidate, the committee and the chair of the defence.
  2. Set up the Zoom meeting and invite the candidate, the opponents and the chair of the committee. 
  3. If the trial lecture is going to be a video conference with the opponents, you should set up this as a separate Zoom meeting, with the same setup as the defence. 

1 day before

  1. Relax, you have done everything you need for now :)

The day of the defence - the last 30 minutes before it starts

  1. Be present in the lecture room and start up the Zoom meeting 30 minutes before the defence/trial lecture should start, and check that everything works.
  2. Mute all, and ensure that no one can turn on their own microphone.
  3. Turn off chat for everyone.
  4. Let in the candidate and the opponents from the waiting room and make them co-hosts.
  5. Check that sound and video works for the opponents.

During the defence

  1. When the trial lecture is finished, end the Zoom trial lecture meeting. 
  2. Again, be ready at least 30 minutes before the defence starts, to start the Zoom meeting and make sure everything works and the opponents are present.

During the defence - when the opponents are finished

  1. The chair of the defence will invite the audience to ask questions. When this is done, the candidate must be sent out into the waiting room, to ensure that this is no longer visible on the screen.
  2. The candidate, the chair of the defence and the chair of the committee will leave the room in procession, and the chair of the defence and the chair of the committee will go to a separate room and join the Zoom-meeting instead.
  3. Wait for the candidate, the committee and the chair of the defence to return.
  4. The chair of the committee, the chair of the defence and the candidate will walk back into the lecture room, and the candidate should be let back into the Zoom meeting.
  5. The chair of the defence will announce the decision of the committee. 
  6. Your job is done.
Published Sep. 7, 2020 5:12 PM - Last modified July 24, 2024 4:23 PM