Norwegian version of this page

Attending a partially digital defence

As a member of the audience at a partially digital defence we ask that you follow certain guidelines. At such a defence you can either attend in person or you can follow it online, as it will be streamed to the defence announcement website. It will also be possible to ask questions ex auditorio from this website. In order to attend such a defence in person you need to sign up by filling out the sign up form on the defence announcement website.

If you want to attend the defence in person we ask that you follow these guidelines:

  • A partially digital defence is similar to a regular defence. The major difference is that the opponents are not present in the room, but participate through Zoom. You do not need to use or be familiar with Zoom yourself to attend such a defence.
  • To ensure that audience members maintain a safe distance and that the room is not too crowded, everyone who wishes to be in the audience must fill out a sign up form before the defence. You find this form on the defence announcement website. You cannot attend the defence if you have not signed up and received confirmation that there is room for you. 
  • We ask that you stay at home and follow the defence remotely if you are unwell or experience any kind of symptoms.
  • There will be printed copies of the thesis available in the room, as well as on the defence announcement website.
  • If you wish to ask a question ex auditorio, please do so only when invited to do so by the chair of the defence. This only happens after both opponents have finished asking their questions. 
  • The event will be streamed, inn order to be available through the defence announcement website. This means that the event is filmed, but the footage is not saved. If you do not wish to be filmed, you should avoid sitting in the first few rows. 
  • The defence will be streamed, and you can watch it from the defence announcement website. You do not need to register or sign up anywhere to watch the defence from the website. It will be written on the defence announcement website if you need to be present in person to ask questions ex auditorio. 
Published Sep. 7, 2020 5:23 PM - Last modified July 24, 2024 4:23 PM