Norwegian version of this page

General information about digital defence

A digital defence makes use of Zoom for communication. 

  • The defence will still follow regular procedure as far as possible, hence it will still be open to the public and the audience can ask questions when invited to do so.
  • If the defence is partially digital you can sit in the audience, provided that you sign up beforehand. The sign up form will can be found on the defence announcement website. 
  • If the defence is partially digital you may also follow the defence digitally. The defence will either be streamed to the defence announcement website, or you will find a link to the Zoom webinar from the same website. 
  • You can follow it in Zoom even if you are not affiliated with UiO, all you need is either to install Zoom or run Zoom in a browser. There will be a Zoom link to each individual defence on the defence announcement website.
  • The Zoom session will start 30 minutes before the defence. This is to sort out technical issues before the defence starts. We recommend that everyone is present for this, regardless of whether they will play an active part in the defence or not. 
  • If you intend to speak during the defence we recommend using a headset with a microphone, rather than to rely on the built-in microphone of your laptop. This reduces background noise and increases sound quality.
  • We also recommend using an ethernet connection (ethernet cable), rather than wireless Internet connection.  
  • We recommend sitting alone in a room during the defence, to limit noise and disturbances in the background. Anything or anyone appearing in the background will be visible to everyone else in the audience.
  • To limit disturbances from other applications on your own computer, please turn off sounds and notifications from other apps, such as mail clients or websites. 
  • Please turn off the sound on your mobile phone during the defence, at least if you are going to actively participate in the defence.
  • If your are not speaking, mute your microphone. If you are a member of the audience you will not be allowed to unmute your own microphone unless you are invited to speak.
  • If you are a member of the audience you will not be able to share your video during the defence.
  • The chat function will only be open when the audience is invited to ask questions, and after the defence is finished, so you will not be able to use it during the defence.
  • Please do not share your screen unless you are actively part of the discussion. As a member of the audience you will not be able to share your screen at all. 
  • You will not be able to record the defence, even though there is a record-button in Zoom. We ask that you do not take screenshots during the defence either, without the consent of every participant.
Published Mar. 30, 2020 12:28 PM - Last modified Aug. 11, 2024 11:10 AM