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Leganto-guide for students

Where can I find the reading lists?

You can find Leganto reading lists from three different places.


Find all published reading lists at UiO in Leganto.

When you log in to Leganto you come to your dashboard, which should include all the reading lists for courses you are enrolled in.

Picture of the dashboard in Leganto.

If you cannot find a reading list for one of your courses in your dashboard, search for it using the search scope All lists.

Image of the search scope All lists

When you have found the reading list you can add it to your dashboard by clicking on the Add button.

Image of the option to add a list to My lists

Semester page

You can also find the reading list for your course in the course's semester pages. Click on the button Syllabus/reading lists in Leganto to go to Leganto and see the details of the reading list, such as which chapters or pages you need to read.


Leganto is integrated in the menu in your Canvas room.

Picture of how Leganto is integrated in the Canvas-menue.

How do I understand the reading list?

A reading list in Leganto contains the same information as a regular reading list, just in a slightly different format.

The list consists of sections and items. The sections structure the course material, and the items are the material itself. How the course material is organized and the number of items will vary.

The reading list

At the top, under List info, you will find general information about the list. General remarks about the reading list, course material or topics covered in lectures, will be presented there. It is also a good place to get a general overview over the contents of the list, for instance the number of sections and citations. 

Use the search options to search for specific citations, filter by sections, material type, tags, etc.

Tip! To know exactly what you are expected to read, it is important to view citation details. Unfortunately, the total number of pages presented at the top of the list, is not always correct.  


An item refers to different types of course materials that are on the reading list. The most common types are books, articles, book chapters, excerpts and websites. The material type is always presented first.

Picture that shows citation brief view and highlights material type.

Click on Full details to view all the information about the item, as well as the library's physical and electronic collections. 

Picture of citation full view.

It is especially important to check what you are actually required to read. You can find this information in the pages field, or in the Public note

Tip! Check also the course schedule in the semester page. The course schedule often has a column including reading list information.

Picture of how course material can be presented in the course schedule.

How do I get access to the course material?

Check availability at the library directly in Leganto

The library may have copies of a book or a digital resource that's a part of the reading list. Use Leganto to check if a citation is available at one of UiO's libraries.

If for instance a book is available for loan, you can see the text Available in green. Check holdings in orange, on the other hand, means that all copies are on loan.

Picture of library holdings availability.

Click on the citation for more information. 

In the tab Links & Availability you can see if and where the book is available. Here you can also request the book for loan, find it using the library map, and contact the library if you have any questions or need help.

Picture of the 'Links & Availability'-window in citation full view.

Get direct access to articles and the library's digital resources

If a citation is available digitally, a View online button will be visible. When you click on this link, the document will open in a new window.

Picture of an electronic resource, and the 'View online'-button.

You can also choose which database/source you want to open the article/resource in under Links & accessibility in the citation full view. 

What if I can't get access?

You can access e-books, electronic articles, databases and other online resources in if you work or study at UiO or OUS, whether you are on campus or at home.

If you are outside the UiO network and you are trying to open an online resource, you will first be asked to sign in with your UiO user account. If you're not given this option, or you're met with an error message, we recommend that you search for the same citation in Oria

Tip! If a link is broken, you can click on Report broken link/access issues to notify the library.

Picture of the report broken link/access issues-button.

Useful tools in Leganto

Write private notes and mark items as read

Use Leganto to keep track of your work with readings. You can write your own private notes and also mark items as read.

Write private notes for an item

  • Open the reading list in Leganto
  • Click on Full details on the item you want to add a note to
  • Open the tab Details, find Private note and write your notes

Picture of the Private note-field.

Mark item as read

Use this function to keep track of which items you have read in the reading list.

  • Open the reading list in Leganto
  • Find the item you have read
  • Click on the check icon to the left

Picture of how to mark a citation as read.

Share, export or print a reading list

Share a reading list

Use the reading list's permanent link (permalink) to share the reading list with others. The person you send the permalink to will be able to see the reading list regardless of whether they are logged on to Leganto.

  • Open the reading list in Leganto
  • Click on the sharing icon. A link will then appear which you can copy. This is the reading list's permalink.

Picture of how to retrieve a reading list permalink.

    Export a reading list

    Sometimes it is necessary to export a reading list to a different format.

    • Click on the three dots at the top right corner of the list
    • To export: Click Export and then choose the format you want. When you choose Word format you can also choose a reference style (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc).

    Picture of how to export/print reading list.

    'My collection' - your own collection of items

    Do you want to save a particularly useful article or book? Save the item in 'My collection' – your own list/collection in Leganto for course material you want to save.  

    How to add a citation to 'My collection'

    1. Click on the three dots in the right corner of the citation
    2. Click Save to My collection
    3. Click on Collection in the navigation menu in the left-hand margin, and you will see the citation

    Picture of the steps to add a citaton to 'My collection'.

    Remove one or multiple citations from 'Collection'

    Remove one citation:

    1. Click on the three dots in the right corner of the citation
    2. Click Delete from collection

    Remove multiple citations simultaneously:

    1. Use the checkboxes to select the citations you want to remove. You can also narrow the selection by filtering the list using tags or citation types, or by using the search function.
    2. Click on the three dots at the top of the list, and then click Delete selected items

    Export one or more citations from 'Collection'

    1. Use the checkboxes to select the citayou want to export. You can also narrow the selection by filtering the list using tags or citation types, or by using the search function.
    2. Click on the three dots at the top of the list, and then click Export and choose the format

    What else can I do with 'Collection'?

    You can sort the citations by the date they were added, title or by author

    • You can edit information in citations
    • You can add new citations by using the Add item-button at the top of the list
    • You can sort the citations by the date they were added, title or by author
    • You can narrow the selection by filtering the list using tags or citation types, or by using the search function

    The annotation tool in Leganto

    Leganto has an integrated reading- and annotation tool for PDF-documents, where you can comment and annotate directly in the document in Leganto.

    How do I annotate?

    Leganto’s annotation tool has three main functions:

    Add a comment

    1. Mark the text you want to comment
    2. Click the ‘Comment’-icon hovering directly above your cursor. The icon is shaped like a speech bubble
      Picture of how to add a comment in PDF.
    3. Write your comment in the then provided field. NB! Remember to state comment visibility, private or public.
      Picture of the comment field.
    4. Click Save

    Alternatively, you can…

    1. Click the same ‘Comment’-icon in the main menu
      Picture of main menu in the PDF-reader.
    2. Mark the text you want to comment
    3. Write your comment in the provided field. NB! Remember to state comment visibility, private or public
    4. Click Save

    Delete comment

    1. Click the three dotted-menu to the right of your comment
      Picture of menu for deleting comment.
    2. Click Delete

    Alternatively, you can…

    1. Click the text you added a comment to
    2. Click the trashcan hovering above your cursor
      Picture of deleting a comment in text.

    Respond to/comment other comments

    1. Click the arrow at the bottom of the comment box. Nb! This option is only available on public comments.
    2. Write in your comment
      Picture of how to respond to comment.
    3. Click Save

    Highlight text

    1. Mark the text you want to highlight.
    2. Click the ‘Highlight’-icon hovering directly above your cursor. The icon is shaped like a highlighter pen.
      Picture of how to add highlight to text.

      The text is highlighted in yellow.

      Picture of highlighted text.

    Alternatively, you can…

    1. Click the ‘Highlight’-icon in the main menu
      Picture of main menu.
    2. Mark the text you want to highlight

    Delete highlight

    1. Click the text you highlighted
    2. Click the trashcan hovering above your cursor

    Highlight/mark document using shapes

    1. Click the ‘Shape’-icon in the main menu. The icon is shaped like a square.
      Picture of main menu with shape-tool.

      To change the shape colour, click the arrow to the right of the icon

      Picture of options for shape colour.
    2. Place the shape in the document
    3. Click the ‘Comment’-icon hovering directly over the shape you just places

      Picture of adding a shape.
    4. Write your comment in the provided field. NB! Remember to state comment visibility, private or public
      Picture of adding a comment to the shape.
    5. Click Save

    Delete shape/comment

    1. Click on the shape
    2. Click the trashcan hovering above your cursor

      Picture of how to delete a shape.

    Alternatively, you can…

    1. Click the three dotted-menu to the right of your comment
    2. Click Delete

    Private and public annotations

    Comments can be either private or public. Private comments are only visible to yourself, while public comments are also visible to other users at UiO.

    If a shape and comment is public, the shape itself is also visible to other users at UiO.

    Yellow highlighting is by default private, and cannot be public.

    Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to download the PDF with annotations. They form a separate layer on the PDF, which is only available in Leganto.

    Published Jan. 15, 2020 11:01 AM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2024 4:02 PM