Set reply-to address (reply-to) for a mailing list

Change the reply address

Once you have logged into Sympa, and entered a list for which you are an administrator, select AdminEdit List ConfigSending/reception. The choice for reply address is called Reply address.

The first choice determines what the reply address should be set to:

  • sender - the reply address is set to sender (the address given in the From field).
  • list - the reply address is set to the list.
  • all - the reply address is set to both the sender and the list.
  • other_email - the response address is set to an address of your choice.

The field Other email address only has meaning if other_email is selected. If no email address is entered in the field, Sympa will not set a reply address.

The last choice Respect of existing header field determines what Sympa will do when the list receives an email where the sender has already set a reply address:

  • respect - if a reply address is already set, it will not be changed
  • forced - if a reply address is already set, it will be replaced

Whoever replies to an email can change where the reply is sent.

Choice of reply address

Sender is common to use e.g. on lists used to send out newsletters or information to many members/addresses. Then you don't want any replies to be sent out to the list, but go to the sender.

List sends responses to the list. Discussion lists often use this option, as the sender is normally one of the members of the list.

All is used for lists that are a point of contact, because the reply goes both to the sender (who is not a member of the list) and to the list (so that the other members see that the matter has been answered).

Other_email is useful for mailing lists where you want replies from members to be sent neither to the sender nor to the list. Other_email is also used to make Sympa not set a reply address - this is done by leaving the email address field empty.

Published Aug. 2, 2024 11:45 AM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2024 11:45 AM