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Limit unwanted e-mail with UiO-Only

When the UiO-only setting is turned on, UiO's e-mail system will refuse to receive e-mails where one of your e-mail addresses is used as the sender address, if the e-mail is not:

  • sent from UiO's network, or
  • the sender uses authenticated SMTP

This makes it more difficult to spoof your email address. UiO-only will stop e-mail regardless of who at UiO is the recipient when the sender's address is falsified.

Activate UiO-Only

Log in to, and choose E-mail and Spam settings.

Under Additional spam settings at the bottom, there is a separate line for the UiOonly filter. Click on Activate on the right side of the bar.

Check settings in email clients

Dette har ingen betydning s? lenge du befinner deg p? UiO eller i UiO-tilknyttede lokaler. Hvis du benytter webmail, har det ingen betydning verken p? UiO eller andre steder, fordi webmail-tjenesten befinner seg p? UiOs nett.

Hvis du imidlertid bruker en e-postklient som Thunderbird til ? lese e-post hjemmefra, kan det hende at du m? endre enkelte innstillinger for ? f? sende e-post. Dette fordi vi da krever at du sender e-post via UiOs e-postsystem med autentisert SMTP. 

This is how UiO-Only prevents unwanted e-mail

  • You prevent someone from sending out junk mail with your e-mail address as the sender to you and other UiO users through UiO's e-mail servers. Because it limits the number of spam messages that have your email address as the sender address, it reduces the number of error messages that come back about wrong recipient address (Delivery failure notification) on emails that you never sent.
  • This function also ensures that you do not receive junk mail where you are (incorrectly) listed as the sender.

This function cannot prevent spammers from using your email address as a sender for spam if they use email servers other than UiOs. However, all error messages about incorrect recipient addresses will be retained while the e-mail system checks whether you have sent e-mails to addresses outside UiO in the last 5 days. If you have not sent e-mails outside UiO during this period, it is unlikely that the error message is the result of anything other than someone falsifying your address as the sender's address. This prevents this email from reaching you.

Mailing lists and UiO-only

It is not possible to activate or deactivate UiO-only for e-mail lists via the User Info page - then one of the administrators of the list must contact

Technical information

E-mail has two sender addresses, an envelope sender that is used during transport, and a sender address inside the e-mail (which is normally displayed in the e-mail program in which e-mail is read). These two addresses can be different, and it is the envelope sender that UiO-only looks at.

Published Aug. 2, 2024 10:43 AM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2024 11:08 AM