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Receiving settings for mailing lists

To set how e-mails are sent to you from mailing lists, select the relevant list in the administration system. Select Subscriber Options in the left menu and you will get a drop down menu where you can select Receiving mode.

You can choose from the following options:

digest (MIME format):
  • The mailing list collects and regularly sends you a collection email containing everything that has been collected since the last mailing. This option sends collected mail in MIME format.
  • It is up to the administrator of the list to decide which days the collected email is sent out. The administrator can also decide how many e-mails should be collected before they are sent out - regardless of the time.
digest (plain text format):
  • The mailing list collects and periodically sends you a collection email containing everything that has been collected since the last mailing. This option sends collected email in plain text.
  • It is up to the administrator of the list to decide which days the collected email is sent out. The administrator can also decide how many e-mails should be collected before they are sent out - regardless of the time.
  • If an email to the list contains both an HTML part and an alternative plain text part, the plain text will be removed.
  • If the e-mail only contains plain text or an attachment, the e-mail is delivered unchanged.
standard (direct reception): You will receive all emails sent to the mailing list immediately.
no mail
  • You do not receive any emails from the mailing list at all, but are still subscribed to the list.
  • If the list has an archive, and it is open to members, you will still have access to the archive.
you do not recieve your own posts: You will receive all email sent to the mailing list immediately, but you will not receive email that you have sent to the list.
notice mode:
  • You receive email sent to the list immediately, but the content of the email has been removed.
  • Can be used if you only need to know who sent the email and the subject.
  • If the list has an archive, and it is open to members, the entire e-mail can be read there and you can ask to have it sent to you.
summary mode:
  • The mailing list collects e-mail and regularly sends you an e-mail containing an overview of e-mail sent to the list since the last mailing.
  • The overview contains time, sender, subject and a link to the entire email.
  • It is up to the administrator of the list to decide which days the collected email is sent out. The administrator can also decide how many e-mails should be collected before they are sent out - regardless of the time.
text only mode:
  • If an e-mail to the list contains both an HTML part and an alternative part in plain text, the HTML part will be removed.
  • If the e-mail only contains HTML or an attachment, the e-mail is delivered unchanged.
urlize mode: Large attachments will be removed and replaced with a link where you can download the attachment. As of today, this attachment applies to more than 10240 bytes.

Note: The administrator(s) can limit the range of reception settings. You will therefore not necessarily find all these receiving modes on all mailing lists. The administrator also has the option to set the reception mode for all the members on the list.

Published Aug. 9, 2024 9:11 AM - Last modified Aug. 9, 2024 9:13 AM