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Why choose this programme option?

Quantum Information Science and Technology is an emerging field with the potential to produce revolutionary advances in fields of science and engineering involving computation, communication, precision measurement, and fundamental quantum science.

Man in leather jacket and cool science glasses, standing behind scientific lab equipment.
Photo: Jarli&Jordan/UiO

Be a part of a techological revolution

The field of Quantum Information Science and Technology brings together two major advances of the 20th century: quantum mechanics and information technology.

Quantum mechanics is the most accurate theory in science. It describes the world at its most basic level. Information technology gave rise to the computer, digital communication and other devices that have transformed how we live. When we combine quantum mechanics and information technology, we get Quantum Information Science and Technology.

Two persons wearing lab outfits in a clean-room lab, standing around some equipment with a lot of steel.  A closed hood in the background.
The programme collaborates with MiNaLab, which conducts research and developments within microsystems and nanotechnology.
Photo: Jarli&Jordan/UiO

Quantum Information Science and Technology will harness the power of quantum mechanics and bring a radical new era of technology. It will allow us to do things that are unthinkable or even impossible with today’s technology. Quantum technologies will fundamentally change classical engineering paradigms in computing, information processing, and measurement technology.

You apply for admission directly to the programme option when you apply for admission to the programme.

Many possibilities in a good student environment

In close cooperation with our experimental environments, you get to immerse yourself in quantum science and specializations, including possible cooperations with our experimental environments, such as:

  • Quantum computing
  • Mathematics of quantum information science
  • Quantum technologies
  • Quantum engineering
Three students sitting at a table and looking at the camera. Two boys, one with books and one with a laptop. A girl with long, red hair.
The students have their own areas, and report of a very good student environment.
Photo: Jarli&Jordan/UiO

If you get admitted to this option, you also get admitted to one of the best student environments in Oslo, with a culture for sharing and helping each other to succeed.

Published May 23, 2024 9:50 AM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2024 10:42 AM