Finishing the programme

Welcome to the final stages of your master's degree. From deadlines to thesis submission and diploma registration, we're here to guide you through each step. Let's ensure your academic journey ends on a high note.

  1. Deadline
  2. Format and cover
  3. Proposal for declaration of AI usage in assignments
  4. Preparation for the master's exam
  5. Submitting the master's thesis
  6. Optional to print your thesis
  7. Final examination
  8. Clearance form
  9. Diploma and the Diploma Registry

1. Deadline

Your individual thesis submission deadline is found in Studentweb under your active course, GEO5960 - Geosciences. Master Thesis

2. Format and cover

While there are no strict formal requirements regarding the typography of your thesis, it is wise to give priority to readability. It's advisable to avoid exceedingly long lines and to choose a font size of 12 points with margins of approximately 2.5 centimetres, as these dimensions are widely regarded as the norm for the best readability.

In the crafting of lengthy documents, the use of styles can be tremendously helpful in organising the layout and can provide the groundwork for straightforward generation of a table of contents automatically.

Should you be planning to have your thesis printed at the Graphic Centre, ensure it is suitably formatted for double-sided printing. Do take into account the need for inserting blank pages to compensate for any 'backsides' of printed sheets. Guidance on formatting large documents for printing can often be sought, which may be beneficial for your final presentation.

See more information in section 6. 

3. Proposal for declaration of AI usage in assignments

If you have the chance and wish to utilise generative artificial intelligence (AI) within your assignment, it is absolutely essential to declare its usage clearly. Please follow the guidelines on how to appropriately disclose the use of AI in your work. These guidelines are put in place to ensure academic honesty and the transparency of your research process.

4. Preparation for the master's exam

To be eligible to sit your Master's examination, the following criteria must be satisfied:

  • Paid the semester fee for the semester you will have your final MSc exam and be registered for the current semester.
  • The master's contract has to be submitted and approved by the supervisor(s) and the Student Administration.
  • All components of the theoretical coursework, including HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) courses, must be successfully completed and passed.

5. Submitting the MSc thesis

Your thesis must be submitted in two separate ways before the deadline: Upload the thesis in StudentWeb and in Inspera.

Should the thesis not be submitted by the deadline, admission to the Master's programme will be terminated without any additional notification.

6. Optional to print your thesis

Please give careful thought to whether you require physical copies of your thesis. After the Master's examination, the thesis will be accessible in digital format and forwarded electronically to the examiners.

Should you need hard copies (limited to a maximum of 5), these can be requested by submitting the thesis to the Graphic Centre for printing. Upon uploading your document for print, you must incorporate the relevant cost codes:

  • Location code (koststed): 15400000
  • Project code (delprosjektnummer): 102424048

Be mindful of the environmental impact and the potential unnecessary costs of printing, and opt for physical copies only if they are essential.

    7. Final examination

    The Master's presentation and oral examination are typically conducted in-person at the Geology building or in other premises on Blindern, depending on the location of the research group.

    The event will commence with a public presentation, limited to a maximum duration of 30 minutes, where the student will cover the following aspects of their thesis:

    • The topic in question
    • The subject of the thesis
    • Methodology and theoretical framework
    • Results and conclusions
    • A comparison of the subject with previous research

    Both the supervisor and the assessors (one external and one internal) will be present at the public hearing. Their attendance may be either in person or via video conference.

    Following the presentation, there will be an oral examination or dialogue between the candidate and the examiners.

    The presentation, along with the ensuing examination, may influence the final grade awarded to the thesis. The grade will not be disclosed until the examination has concluded.

    The scheduling of the presentations will be arranged in consultation with the supervisor, the examiners, and the administration. Details regarding the time and venue will be announced by the Department of Geosciences and are subject to an open audience.

    Immediately after the examination, the candidate will be informed of the final grade awarded to the Master's thesis along with a verbal explanation of the overall grade. There is an opportunity to seek clarification on the grading at this juncture if there are any uncertainties. It should be noted that it will not be possible to formally request a justification later, as this will have been considered provided at the time the result is given.

    Should you wish to appeal the grade, there is a three-week deadline to do so following the registration of the result in Studentweb. Please be aware that only the grade awarded for the written Master's thesis is subject to an appeal.

    8. Clearance form

    To obtain your final Master of Science / MSc degree and diploma, it is necessary to submit a clearance form for your Master’s programme. This form is to be endorsed by University of Oslo (UiO) staff, confirming you have met all your commitments to the university.

    The results of your Master's examination are typically registered without delay. Information about the appeal process and associated procedures is available on Studentweb until the deadline for submitting appeals. However, the issuance of your MSc degree and diploma hinges on the receipt of the clearance form with all necessary signatures.

    Prior to submitting the clearance form, you should ensure that you have addressed the matter of how your research data is to be handled.

    For those students who are currently based overseas, it is crucial to remember to submit the clearance form prior to your departure.

    Please be cognisant of the fact that the university will not award your degree following your examination until it has received the fully signed clearance form, complete with all appropriate authorisations.

    Printed clearance form:

    9. Diploma and the Diploma Registry

    Once you have handed in the completed clearance form and been awarded your MSc degree, please be advised that the issuance of your diploma could take up to 8 weeks. The processing time can fluctuate based on peak periods, notably during the summer months.

    Please note that hard copies of diplomas are no longer provided. Your certified degree will be made available in the Diploma Registry, facilitating you to compile and distribute your higher education achievements in Norway to prospective employers, academic institutions, and other pertinent organisations.

    For access to your results in the Diploma Registry, it is essential for your Norwegian ID number to be registered in your student profile within the student records. If you do not possess a Norwegian national identity number or D number, you are entitled to request a paper version of your diploma. Furthermore, should there be any alterations to your name or a new ID number acquisition, it is crucial to update your profile details to preserve the integrity of your records.

    The Diploma Registry service is offered at no charge.

    Should you need assistance or have any enquiries about your digital diploma, do not hesitate to get in touch with the MN Student Information Centre at Our team stands ready to offer their support and assistance.

    Tags: Completing your studies, Diploma, Vitnem?l, Utklareringsskjema, Clearance form, Submitting thesis, Studentweb
    Published Sep. 18, 2013 1:51 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2024 9:09 AM