Do you want to become a buddy coordinator in the autumn of 2024?

Are you a master's student at the Department of Geosciences? Would you like to contribute to a good start for our new master students in August 2024? Then you might be one of our new buddy coordinators. Apply by March 26.

Three students walking side by side with the physics building in the background

New students at Blindern, the start of studies in 2021. Photo: Jarli & Jordan/UiO

The Department of Geosciences has a good student environment, and we want to keep it that way. Welcoming new master students is an important part of establishing a good academic and social study environment.

To coordinate buddy activities at the start of studies, we need two dedicated buddy coordinators who want to help ensure that our new students have an unforgettable start to their studies. 

As a buddy coordinator, you will have the main responsibility for planning and arranging the study start week, but some of the work is done in collaboration with the student consultants at the department.

What does the buddy coordinator do?

  • Sets the schedule for the buddy programme during week 33 (Wednesday – Friday)
  • Arranges the social program during the buddy week
  • Collaborates closely with the student advisor on the program for the start of studies
  • Contributes to the recruitment of buddies for the study start week, training of other buddies, including quality assurance of buddies
  • Divide students into buddy groups
  • Performs logistics work during the buddy week
  • Evaluates the start of studies in collaboration with the student advisor

We are looking for you who:

  • are studying in the master’s programme in Geosciences
  • are good at planning, like to work in a structured way and can work simultaneously for different cases
  • collaborate well with others and engage other students in their work
  • have a good network at the Department of Geosciences
  • are passionate about a good and inclusive start of studies

Why become a buddy coordinator?

  • It's really meaningful and fun to organize!
  • You gain experience in leading and training others, and you gain a larger network
  • You gain project management experience
  • You get a certificate and strengthen your CV
  • You can demonstrate your commitment and experience to future employers
  • You contribute to a good study environment

Working period:

  • For planning and execution, approximately from medio April and out August. 

As a buddy coordinator, you will be paid for up to 20 hours. The amount does not cover the entire workload but is a recognition of the voluntary work.

Send a brief and informal application, where you tell a little about yourself and why you want to become a buddy coordinator, as well as your CV, to Karl Johan Strand Ullavik, Student Administration (

The application deadline is 26 March.

Questions about the position?

Please contact Karl Johan S. Ullavik, room 111 in the Geology Building.

Published Mar. 5, 2024 2:19 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2024 2:20 PM